Photographer takes pictures of people living with albinism to show how uniquely beautiful they are

Photographer Captures people with albinism to show how uniquely beautiful they are.f7406638710c4ad9929dd0f4cf9f860e?quality=uhq&resize=720

Through her art, photographer Yulia taits highlights the charming beauty of people with albinism. Her project "porcelain beauty" features albino people or people with albinism, all of the photographs were taken in white tones with no additional coloring.6b30db6529d3422786592d38ae35291b?quality=uhq&resize=720

It's said for some time she had the idea to create and photograph a project featuring albino people or people living with albinism.

Their beauty and amazing, as if it was taken from fantasies and fairy tale legends, as a photoshop artist she had a passion to create fantasy world through her work and artistry.554b21a72ae24a1cb90103854104ab4e?quality=uhq&resize=720

She said this series experience was amazing for her because she could create this beautiful photography without photoshop. What transpired was pure natural beauty.

All the photographs were taken in with tone with no additional filters or colorings. Its proven white is not just one color, it has many tints, shades and many tones.

While she was creating this project she was fortunately blessed with meeting amazing people and she was highly motivated from the support of the models and parents to create thsi project.

She said she is very proud of the result the projects has produced.86f91f47f6854e949039cdaac17c679d?quality=uhq&resize=720

People have been commenting on her good work, everyone have had only positive things to say regarding her project. It's been said she indeed captured the innocent and pure beauty.

Many photographers have congratulated her on her beautiful work and wished her nothing but the best going forward.0ba22e344f3d46309114d69e90cfcc5e?quality=uhq&resize=720

It's been said youngsters are looking up to her, she is now a role model to kids who are looking into being photographers.

Parents who have kids living with albinism are so happy and proud of her work, she really is a Godsend and voice to the voiceless. Using pictures she speaks volumes.

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