Prevention and treatment of stretch marks during pregnancy

Causes of stretch marks


Stretch marks, or stretch marks, are skin defects resulting from abrupt changes in weight. The first and, of course, the most obvious reason for their appearance is that during pregnancy the weight of the expectant mother and her body vary, the skin does not have time to stretch to the necessary parameters, elastic skin fibers are torn and formed those very stretch marks.


Another reason for the appearance of stretch marks are hormones. Everyone knows that during pregnancy the hormonal background changes and affects the skin in such a way that its structure changes, especially in the abdomen and thighs. That is why they appear less frequently on the breasts than on the abdomen.


So why doesn't the skin heal naturally, filling in with normal cells? The fact is that during pregnancy increases the sensitivity of the skin to corticosteroids, which changes the connective tissue and the resulting ruptures fill it from the inside, forming scars that show through the skin, and sometimes come to the surface.


Preventing stretch marks during pregnancy


It is much easier to avoid the appearance of stretch marks than to get rid of them later, so the prevention of their appearance should begin with the first weeks of pregnancy, ideally - in the first days, as you found out that you are expecting the addition. The best remedy for stretch marks during pregnancy is a proper diet.


Vitamin E and foods high in protein help improve skin elasticity. There are other methods of increasing the elasticity of the skin: contrast shower, peeling, massage, various lotions and other body products. Help avoid stretch marks and special underwear: bras for pregnant and lactating, supporting, but not squeezing the breasts, pre- and postpartum bandage.


Stretch Marks Treatment


If stretch marks have already appeared or preventive measures do not work, do not despair - they can be treated. The best treatment for fresh stretch marks, so it is better to start it immediately. There are several ways.


For fresh scars the best remedy for stretch marks is a special cream. They contain substances that promote the regeneration of skin cells and make it more elastic. Such creams include wheat germ oil, glycolic acid, vitamin C, peptides, retinoids.


An even simpler remedy for stretch marks is the treatment with oils. Almond oil, essential oils of rosemary, jojoba, petitgrain or neroli are used for this purpose. The mixture of these oils is rubbed into the skin several times a day. Despite the apparent simplicity, this method is quite effective for small stretch marks.


If the stretch marks are old, in large numbers or do not respond to natural methods of treatment, you can resort to surgical procedures. Surgical methods include laser resurfacing, mesotherapy, retinoid peels, ozone therapy and others. Before using them, it is necessary to consult with your doctor.


Remember that with proper prevention and timely treatment, you can get rid of stretch marks of any intensity. If, for one reason or another, treatment does not help - go to the doctor.


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I'm Maxim. Н. Universal artist striving for the best, trying to change the world as well. Peaceful skies overhead