Scientists found a way to predict COVID-19 death

An international team of researchers has concluded that the expression level of a so-called flower protein can accurately enough predict the outcome of a coronavirus infection - whether death or hospitalization - in a person. A related article on the method the scientists found to predict the course of COVID-19 was published in the journal EMBO Molecular Medicine.

A cell's low adaptability status indicates that it is underdeveloped, either because it is aging or because of metabolic abnormalities and so on. The scientists found that adaptation status is expressed in FWE proteins. They are located on the surface of the cell and are expressed in two forms - one says that the cell feels good, while the "owners" of the second are destroyed by the surrounding cells.

Scientists from the UK, Germany, Denmark, Portugal, and the United States conducted a pathological anatomical study of coronavirus-infected lung tissue of patients who died from COVID-19. It turned out that in patients with acute lung injury, Fwe-Lose in the lower airways was expressed extremely strongly and was localized in areas of cellular necrosis.

The experts then conducted an observational study of 283 people to determine whether FWE protein expression levels could predict hospitalization or death in COVID-19. "The method can determine who needs hospitalization with 87.8 percent accuracy. The accuracy in predicting patients who will not develop severe COVID-19 was 93.9 percent," says Kyoung Jae Won, associate professor at the University of Copenhagen, one of the study's authors. Accuracy in predicting fatal outcomes can be as high as 100 percent. The researchers emphasize that FWE protein expression levels can predict disease outcome better than traditional inflammatory biomarkers.



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