Several Advanced Technologies in the Future of Health

The future of the health world cannot be separated from digital technology. Technological advances that are so rapid have an impact on the health sector. Technological developments play a role in helping doctors and health practitioners build better quality health care. Then, what about the technology used in the world of health today? Here are some types of health technology and their roles that you need to know.

1. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is one of the technologies that play an important role in redesigning existing health care. The AI ​​algorithm makes it easy for patients to get medical services and assistance quickly and precisely. Likewise for medical personnel, AI plays a role in accelerating patient treatment, helping to analyze diseases, and even prescribing appropriate drugs for patients.

2. Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology that can present a real virtual environment. In the health sector, VR is used as a surgical simulation tool for prospective doctors, besides that it can also help doctors determine the location of surgery on the patient's body. VR is predicted as the future of health services, as reported by, in 2020 it is estimated that the global virtual reality market value in health services will reach USD 3.8 billion.

3. Augmented Reality

Unlike VR, Augmented Reality does not eliminate contact with reality. Augmented reality is often used when doctors perform preoperative examinations, such as CT scans or MRIs, which can give the surgeon an idea of ​​the patient's internal anatomy. The use of augmented reality will also help patients get complete and accurate information about their illness.

4. Healthcare trackers, wearables, sensors

The use of healthcare trackers, wearables and sensors that are commonly used in everyday life helps users monitor their health independently. This technology encourages users to carry out preventive activities and maintain their health. Users can access blood pressure, glucose levels, body temperature and even stress levels in real time, so they can manage their own healthy lifestyle.

5. Medical Tricorder

A medical tricorder is a portable device that can scan the user's medical condition. This tool is capable of measuring vital health signs such as blood pressure, temperature and human heart rate. From the data obtained, this tool will analyze and diagnose the user's health condition.

6. Genome sequencing

Genome sequencing technology is used to find out basic information about the human body including drug sensitivity, multifactorial or monogenic medical conditions and being able to view family medical history. These data can be used to determine effective and efficient treatments and treatments for patients. Seeing the importance of this data, the American government conducted the Human Genome Project in 2003 and it cost around USD 2.7 billion.

7. The drug discovery revolution

So far, the process of discovering new drugs takes a long time and requires no small amount of money. The drugs found must be tested individually on the patient, then if they do not match, the expert must re-measure the dose until it is appropriate, and so on. Until 2016, the In Silico Trials appeared which became a drug discovery revolution. In Silico Trials provides computer simulations for drug development. This tool is able to test new drugs on virtual patients and provide accurate dosage information quickly.

8. Nano Technology

Nano technology is called a new revolution by creating substances with small sizes up to one per billion meters (nanometers). Nanotechnology in healthcare involves the application of nanoparticles which are currently under development. His research involves the use of nano-sized robots that are used to perform treatments at the cellular level. Like what the Max Planck Institute did, which experimented with creating nano-sized robots that could enter body fluids and help deliver drugs or other medical aid on target. These microbots are shaped like shells that can swim through the bloodstream.

9. Robotics

The development of robot technology has penetrated the world of health. Currently there are a number of robots that are deliberately made to make it easier for doctors to detect, treat diseases and help treat patients. Starting from robot companions to surgical robots began to be developed. This robot has various functions such as assisting walking therapy, treating mental health problems to reminding when to take medication. These robots are implanted with touch sensors, cameras and microphones to maximize their functions. Some examples of robots in the world of health are Jibo, Pepper, Paro and Buddy.

10. 3D-printing

The use of 3D printers is not spared in the medical world. Rapid prototyping or known as 3D printing is a process of forming various forms of virtual digital models in three-dimensional objects. 3D printing in the medical world is used to print tissue to make synthetic skin. The material used is skin cells and human genes (bio-ink). Technological advances inevitably affect the world of health. Existing technology is capable of revolutionizing various medical fields, from treatment to postoperative therapy. With this advanced technology, it is hoped that treatments and treatments will be more effective and targeted in the future.


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