Spitz care and maintenance

The little miracle needs careful care, so before getting a four-legged friend, you need to know how to care for the spitz.

Spitz fur care

 Regardless of the size of the Spitz, an expressive coat is the main distinguishing characteristic of this breed of dog. The ponytail hair, which creates the appearance of most of these dogs, looks like a stretched spiral, so the hair is quite stiff. Additional hair support is provided by the undercoat. A big plus for spies and their owners is the fact that the animal's hair does not become significantly dislodged and does not create tangles. Except behind the ears or in the groin.

Even stroking against the growth of hair (from tail to head) is considered a hair treatment. How to properly care for thick fur? It is better to use a brush or comb for grooming, but not a thick one. It is better to brush undercoat only when the pooch is shedding, because frequent brushing will thin it out and the hair will have no support to stand on. Otherwise, brush your dog gently, once a week is enough. If you notice tangles starting to appear, pluck them out gently. 


How to Wash a Pomeranian at Home

As a rule, to maintain a clean appearance, it is enough to comb the hair in the direction of hair growth and against, to wipe paws after a walk. You should not wash the spitz during the moulting period, as all of the fur will bunch up and it will be difficult to comb it out. This procedure will be very unpleasant for the dog.

Do not forget to thoroughly comb and walk your four-legged friend before washing. There is no need to feed him. Buy a special shampoo for dogs. If the shampoo is designed for colored dogs, consider this when buying the shampoo. Bathing a white-haired dog in a shampoo that is designed for dogs with dark hair can have a negative impact on the pet's appearance. In addition to shampoos for dogs, there are also rinses.  

Gently wrap absorbent cotton around your pet's ears before bathing to prevent water from entering the ear canal. The soap solution should not get into the dog's eyes, as it causes irritation. If it does, rinse immediately with plenty of running water, not too hot.

Squeeze out the coat. Let the dog shake a few times, then towel off and you can move on to drying. A powerful hair dryer is suitable for this. Closely monitor the temperature of the air stream. If it is too hot, keep the hair dryer away from the pet, taking care not to burn him or cause him agony. A hair dryer with a cold air drying mode is excellent.

Dry paws, back and sides first. When it comes to the places that are most heavily covered with hair, such as the tail or mane, you'll need a comb. Use it to separate the strands and dry them alternately. When you're done, let the doggie shake a few more times.

Keeping a spitz in an apartment during heat requires more care and special treatment. A girl dog during the period of heat needs more care and hygiene rules, although the bitch will lick herself. Washing the pet during this period is possible and necessary. Only after the bath, the pet should not lie on the floor. Be sure to close all the windows. It is also necessary to change the bedding regularly to avoid infections. You can use special panties for dogs.


How much walking your dog needs

Walking with an adult dog is sufficient twice a day, in the morning and before going to bed. The walk should be at least 20 minutes in summer and at least 10 minutes in winter. In winter, when it's cold, ten minutes is long enough for a dog to pee and poop. In summer it's better to walk for more than twenty minutes, so that the dog can not only go to the toilet but also run around on the grass. With a young dog, additionally arrange a walk even at lunchtime. With a puppy they walk more often, 5 times a day. Go out on the street with a fluffy baby, preferably after sleeping or feeding. At what age can I walk my puppy outside? According to veterinarian recommendations, young puppies go outside after all vaccinations.


How to clip claws

Clippers are used to trim nails.Sit comfortably, hold the paw so that it faces the light and the nail is exposed. This is then necessary so that the pulp, which is inside the claw, can be seen. When biting off the edge of the claw, be careful not to trap any soft tissue.In dark-haired dogs, you can see the pulp by looking under the nail from the back side. To do this, simply turn the pet over on its back. You will see that the pulp does not reach the end of the claw. This is the distance from the end of the nail to the pulp that should be trimmed. After the nails are trimmed, it is recommended to trim them with a special nail file. This will help prevent splitting. 


What to feed.

The most suitable food for dogs is supposed to be boiled or raw meat. Many owners feed their pets fish, cottage cheese or porridge, which can be cooked from various cereals, vegetables and fruits. There are many ready-made foods for spitzes. The food includes all the necessary minerals and vitamins, so you don't have to worry about how to add them and in what amounts. 


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