Start doing push-ups and enjoy your huge breasts!

It is the upper part of the chest that is the most beautiful and masculine.


In order to pump it up, do inclined push-ups on your fists.


In this way you will work out the upper part of the chest and all the others will be engaged together with it.


Also, inclined push-ups increase the load on your shoulders, making them more voluminous along with the upper chest.


Doing push-ups on your fists is easy.


It's the same as regular push-ups, only stand with your feet on a chair, bed, or bench and put your hands on your fists.


Why put your hands on your fists?


There are two reasons:


Greater range of motion, therefore greater chest pumping

It's stiff and manly.

Tense your abs and glutes.


Yes, this may seem contradictory. If you're pumping your chest, what's the point of straining your abs and glutes?


It's so there's no leakage of power.


If you tense one part of your body while the rest of your body stays soft, there's a leakage of power in your body. Energy leaks out through the relaxed part.


Jeff Cavalier, whose video you watched above, says that if you do an exercise for one part of the body, you have to tense the others, so that your whole body is like a tense tensioned string. So having your legs, abs, and glutes tense up will help your arms and chest work harder.


Likewise, you need to tense your abs, legs, and glutes when you do pull-ups so you don't have a power drain.


Always try to tense your whole body during your push-ups.


Now that you know the ins and outs, it's time to put together a workout routine. How many push-ups for weight gain, how often should I do push-ups?


Now I will describe the most effective program for muscle growth.


But first I will tell my backstory.


Recently I started to do a lot of push-ups and set myself a goal of a hundred push-ups a day.


I did it this way: the first approach - as many as I could, and then I gradually got to a hundred.


Let me tell you right away, I am not a superman. The first attempt was 15-20 times, the rest were 7-10 times. Most people can do that. Don't think you're too bad if you can't do 60 push-ups at a time.


This method was hard, especially psychologically, and I recently discovered a different, more fun approach to push-ups where you do more and it's easier psychologically.


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