Strawberry Moon: Most colorful full moon of the year (2019)

Universe is full of surprises and one such surprise is the strawberry moon. The last moon of the spring. It will be red or pink or orange in color and will be shorter in size and visible from lower arc. The exact time to view full moon is 08:31 UTC (GMT) today June 17 2019.
In India the timing is 2:00 PL IST, and the moon will be near the sun.
The name is derived from northern America where this is the strawberry cutting time. This moon is also called as midsummer moon, honeymoon moon because of the most of the marriages taken in June in UK.
Well whatever you call it but it will be a sight to watch. The NASA explains the theory as
“The orbit of the Moon around the Earth is almost in the same plane as the orbit of the Earth around the Sun. When the Sun appears highest in the sky near the summer solstice, the full Moon opposite the Sun generally appears lowest in the sky. Particularly for Europe’s higher latitudes, the full Moon nearest the summer solstice shines through more atmosphere than at other times of the year. This can give the full Moon a reddish or rose color, mainly because it is the colour of the rising sun.”

Strawberry Moon moonrise times for North America (99.9%-100%)

All times are local times. You can check the times for your exact location on Look southeast.

20:54 (New York City)
21:01 (Washinton D.C.)
20:55  (Chicago)
21:00 (Denver)
20:12 (Phoenix)
20:39 (Los Angeles)
22:33 (Juneau)
19:55 (Honolulu)

strawberry Moon moonrise times for Europe (99.8%)

All times are local times. You can check the times for your exact location on Look southeast.

21:30 (London)
22:07 (Paris)
22:01 (Madrid)
21:39 (Berlin)
20:58 (Rome)


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