Summer Manual: How to manage heat during the summer

Summer also brings many pitfalls. Just neglect sun protection or forget about drinking and it can lead to a doctor's visit. That's why I bring you a few tips on what to look out for in the summer and what basic principles to follow.

Drinking regime is the basis

Drinking is a complete basis for coping with heat. However, even here there are a few rules that you must follow.

-Drink before you're really thirsty. Especially small children do not have a perfectly developed feeling of thirst, so often offer them a drink during the day.

-Drink continuously throughout the day in smaller portions. If you drink a lot of fluids at once, it doesn't have the same effect as breaking it down

-Clean water is the best way to replenish fluids. For children, you can alternate clean water with fruit or herbal teas.

-An adult should drink 200-400 ml of fluids per 10 kg of body weight per day. This amount may increase if you exercise or exercise or sweat more.

-For children: newborn 60 - 100 ml per 1 kg body weight, toddler 120 ml per 1 kg body weight, preschool age 100 ml per 1 kg body weight, school age 70 ml per 1 kg body weight.

-Limit the consumption of coffee, alcohol or sugary drinks as much as possible. Not only do you quench your thirst, but they dehydrate your body even more and supply it with excess sugar.

-Drink lukewarm drinks, not iced.

Young children and the elderly are particularly at risk. Especially in them, the negative consequences of fluid deficiency can manifest themselves very quickly. For seniors who suffer from more serious health problems, this can also worsen.

Don't forget to protect yourself from the sun's rays

Limit your stay in the sun, especially at lunch time from 11 to 15. Perform physically strenuous activities either in the early morning or in the early evening.

If you are already in the sun, protect yourself and your children with a head covering, sunglasses and sunscreen with a high SPF. Reach at least SPF 20-30. Remember to renew this protection regularly every 2 hours. If you are by the water more often.

Children under 1 year of age should not be exposed to direct sunlight at all and should stay outside in the morning or early evening during heat. These children do not belong to the sun at all.

For smaller children in strollers, be careful how you screen them. Diapers or other similar material thrown over the stroller is not recommended at all. It raises the temperature in the stroller and threatens to overheat the baby, which has also been proven by various tests. Choose an umbrella or shade instead.

Never leave children or dogs alone in the car. Even with the window ajar. The car overheats very quickly in a short time and it can have an unfortunate end.

Sunburn and sunburn

There is a risk of sunburn or sunburn during heat. In both cases, it is an overheating of the organism, but during sunburn it occurred even without direct sunlight, while during sunburn it influenced. They are manifested by headaches, nausea, fainting or dizziness, shallow and rapid breathing, rapid pulse, fever, vomiting.

The first aid is to place the person in a cool, ventilated environment, especially away from the sun. It is necessary to reduce body temperature, but never with a shower or bath, only with tiles. It is necessary to administer fluids in small doses (with a spoon), higher intake at once is not recommended. If the problem persists, seek medical attention.

Beware of fans and air conditioning

The fan or air conditioning is a direct rescue in high heat. But their misuse can cause no harm and cause health problems such as inflammation of the eyes, ears, sinuses, toothache and more.

Never point the fan directly at a person when using it, especially avoid areas of the face. Direct the air flow freely into the room.

When using the air conditioner, be sure to clean and disinfect it regularly. You should never set the temperature less than 5, max 7, compared to the outside. If you are traveling in a car, especially longer journeys, direct the airflow at the windshield or feet, never directly at the people in the car.

If the difference between the outside and the air-conditioned environment is too great, a thermal shock may occur. It can weaken the body as well as immunity. Be especially careful if you get out of an air-conditioned car or walk between an air-conditioned and hot environment. Although the heat is unpleasant, there are far more possible health problems.

 Avoid heavy or lightly cooked foods

During these months, treat yourself to a variety of seasonal vegetables and fruits, fish, poultry or legumes. Heavy foods high in fat or leave simple carbohydrates for a colder period. Add antioxidants to an increased extent as sun and sunburn consume them.

Do not consume hazardous foods such as meat or dairy products if they have been exposed to higher temperatures for a long time or if you have left them outside for a long time. Try to eat them right after cooking or refrigerate them. Always cook well.

If you follow these basic principles, we believe that you can handle heat without any health problems. Share this article with your friends and acquaintances on social networks to help them avoid any inconvenience during the summer.


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