Teenage pregnancy and how to avoid it

Teenage pregnancy is a serious problem that occurs mostly in low-income countries and suburbs, many data show alarming figures that young people between the ages of 15 and 19 have between 12 million children, most of them unplanned, every year in the world.But in this article I will give real solutions, not the same ones that always say to start "talking to the girls and tell them that this is wrong" or "a social march that doesn't seem to work".


1-Emotions, the color of life

Teach young people ways to manage their emotions, and if possible, implement an emotional education subject in the classroom. This is a great help when life's inconveniences arise and they don't fall into "short-term" traps like the alcohol, drugs or sex. Believe it or not, emotions can control sexual desire, hunger, impulse control, etc.  And if this part of the brain called the limbic system is well managed and educated, young people will be able to control their inappropriate impulses or desires.

2-Toxic environment, toxic air

Verifying the social context of these young women is of great help if emotional education teachings are to be correctly implemented. Some young women mired in poverty and sunk in problems with home roots, the last thing they will think about is paying attention to classes or worrying about self-improvement themselves. Their education and the stress of life prevent them from absorbing the necessary knowledge so as not to fall into the hands of men and become pregnant. It is good that from a young age reading, self-love, valuing what they have, effort are instilled in them , etc...

3-Men, a fundamental part

Try to eradicate stereotypes and absurd behaviors around the male sex. Many times the social pressure for a young boy to have sex leads them to impregnate adolescents without premeditating. And if they refuse, they will doubt their sexuality or isolate them from the group. Or ideas that men shouldn't cry, be almost "emotionless rocks" made to work, have sex and more and more girls

4-Money, opportunities

Giving financial education classes is a masterful idea so that young people learn to manage money and not waste it and thus increase their quality of life in the future. This will open windows for them to get out of the poverty in which they live and manage to get out of it. that disgusting mud hole.

5-Healthy body healthy mind

Better nutrition and habits in young people is the last thing to end with the icing on the cake of this article. A well-fed young woman results in a well-fed brain, so they can receive knowledge and properly manage their emotions. And also some good habits such as sleeping early, studying, reading, can greatly improve the quality of life of these girls and boys in the world.

I hope these guidelines can work for young people around the world and that pregnancy rates start to drop and thus restore the society we currently live in.


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