The Hubble telescope took pictures of a pair of galaxies dynamically interacting with each other

The Hubble Space Telescope has taken photos of two mutually interconnected galaxies Arp 282.


According to the website of the observatory, this pair of galaxies is composed of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 169 (below) and the galaxy IC 1559 (above).


It is interesting that these two galaxies, which make up Arp 282, have monumentally powerful nuclei, known as active galactic nuclei. Although it is difficult to discern from the image, astronomers see this as a positive, because if the photo showed the complete impromptu manipulation of the two active galactic nuclei, it could result in a well-detailed, tidal interaction that takes place between NGC 169 and IC 1559.


"Tension forces occur when the gravitational force of one object entangles or pulls down another object. The tensions run from the object with less mass to the object with more mass. When two galaxies interact, these gravitational forces pull gas, pils, and even entire solar systems from one galaxy to the other. This process can really be seen in action in this picture - thin matter streams were created, which rememberably connect two galaxies", - tell the scientists.


It is rarely possible to obtain images of two galaxies interacting in such a memorably dynamic way / photos ESA/Hubble & NASA, J. Dalcanton, Dark Energy Survey, DOE, FNAL/DECam, CTIO/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA, SDSS; J. Schmidt

Rarely can one obtain images of two galaxies interacting in such a highly dynamic fashion / ESA/Hubble & NASA photos, J. Dalcanton, Dark Energy Survey, DOE, FNAL/DECam, CTIO/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA, SDSS; J. Schmidt

In general, astronomers call the important aspect of the evolution of galaxies the way they interact with each other. Galaxies can merge, collide or pass through one another. Each of these interactions has a significant influence on the shape and structure of galaxies.


Galactic pair Arp 282

This pair is included in the Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies (Arp), founded by astronomer Halton Arp in 1966. A total of 338 galaxies are represented in this Atlas. Arp 282 consists of galaxies NGC 169 and IC 1559, which are located in the Andromeda galaxy.


NGC 169 is a spiral galaxy. NGC 169 was discovered by Irish astronomer William Parsons in 1857. It is listed in the original edition of the New General Catalogue (the most famous in amateur astronomy catalog of undesirable objects of outer space - UNIAN).


Galaxy IC 1559 is a spiral galaxy. It is listed in the original edition of the Index Catalogue (catalog of nebulae and solar systems, supplement to the new general catalog - UNIAN).



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Seyfert galaxies: What we know

Seyfert galaxies are spiral galaxies with an active core, whose luminosity spectrum contains many bright, wide swirls which are indicative of intense gas flows at speeds of up to several thousand kilometers per second. These galaxies were first described in 1943 by Carl Seifert.


Seyfert galaxies and quasars are two of the most widespread types of galaxies with active nuclei. But, unlike quasars, Seyfert galaxies are located closer to each other, so it is possible to study the galaxy itself, not only the active core.


Active galactic nuclei are the nuclei in which processes are taking place that are accompanied by the release of a large amount of energy, which is not explained by the activity of their individual stars and gas-saw complexes. It is believed that in the center of active galaxy is a massive compact object, most quickly for all - the black hole, which is the reason for the increased intensity of imaging, especially in the X-ray range.


Hubble Telescope

Hubble telescope was launched into orbit on 24 June 1990 by the crew of the ship Discovery and Vidtodi conveyed to Earth millions of unique images, which greatly expanded the understanding of scientists about the structure and genesis of the universe.


For over a quarter of a century, the apparatus has conducted 1.2 million targeted surveys over 38 thousand space objects, on the basis of which was prepared by close to 13 thousand scientific works. According to experts, "makes it one of the most effective scientific instruments in history.


Replacement of the Hubble telescope

"Hubble has been in orbit for 31 years and is increasingly malfunctioning. It also needs to replace the telescope "James Webb" (JWST), which launched into space on 25 January 2021. The telescope began to be built 25 years ago and spent 10 billion dollars.


The telescope will make a 30-day journey of 1.6 million kilometers from our planet in the direction of Mars - to the other point of the Lagrangian. James Webb will be operational in less than 6 months after launch. During this time the apparatus cools to operating temperatures, calibrates its mirrors and instruments.


"James Webb will last from nine to ten years. Most likely, this will be the end of his "life". The fact that the construction has a limit, in order to ensure high sensitivity of the sensor, which is the most penetrating in the infrared-black range, it must be constantly cooled by liquid helium to -267 ° C. "Webb" will stop working when the refrigerant runs out.


JWST - a very large mirror 6.5 meters in diameter. By comparison, the Hubble has only 2.4 meters. Since it is impossible to fit a "dish" of such size into a rocket, the Webb's mirror was made complex. It consists of three sections, which successfully ignited. The mirror is gold in the direct sense. Engineers coated 18 six-cut segments with a 100 nanometer sphere of gold - this metal withstands infrared rays very well. By the beginning of June 2022 the telescope was launched to the set orbit.


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