The ideal sleep rhythm for the best recovery of physical and mental activity

Like several light meals instead of three large meals a day, short naps would be more effective than one unnecessarily long nap. Many benefits would flow from this. The result of more frequent and shorter sleep would also be better conscious concentration and more stable recovery of physical and mental activity.

Sleep in prehistoric times

In the past, although there was no electric lighting, sleep during the night was not long and continuous, because the sleeping place was not as safe as it is today. Caveman, for example, was on the lookout for wild animals even while sleeping. The mysterious aspects of the natural night around him kept him partially awake. He often woke up and checked the surrounding landscape and his own hideout.

He didn't sleep in such long blocks as he does today. His sleep intervals thus lasted two or three hours, repeating from dusk to dawn, but alternating with intervals of complete wakefulness and alert activity. He also went outside to look for food when he hoped the beasts of prey were sleeping.

The result of this regime was the mobility of consciousness that actually ensured his physical survival, and the intuitive knowledge revealed to him in his dreams he was able to remember and use in his waking state.

A long period of physical inactivity and the exclusive focus of attention on either waking or sleeping reality are simply the cause of many diseases. Your ordinary consciousness would benefit from trips and rest in those other realms of reality that you enter when you sleep, and your so-called sleep consciousness would also benefit from frequent trips into the waking state.

The body is able to recover in half the time

Originally, day mode only tracked daylight. Today, with artificial lighting, this may no longer be the case. So, thanks to technology, you have opportunities that you are not taking advantage of. Sleeping all day and working all night is not the answer; it would simply be an inversion of your current habits.

However, it would be much more efficient and effective if you divided the twenty-four-hour time period in a different way. In fact, there are many options that would be more suitable than your current system. It would be ideal to sleep for five hours at a time, then you get the maximum benefit from sleep. Anything above this time is no longer so beneficial. Those who need more sleep would take a two-hour nap later. For others, a four-hour sleep block and two shorter naps would be most beneficial. Together with the right suggestion, the body is able to recover in half the time you spend sleeping today. In any case, it is much more refreshing and effective when the physical body is active and not inactive for, say, eight to ten hours.

You numb your body to some degree with the suggestion so it believes it needs to sleep a certain number of hours in one block. Animals sleep when they are tired and wake up in a much more natural way.

If you changed your sleep schedule, you would remember much more of your subjective experiences and your body would be healthier. A total of six to eight hours of sleep, along with scheduled short naps during the day, would be plenty. Even those who think they need to sleep longer would find that they wouldn't need so much sleep if they didn't sleep in one block the whole time. The whole system, physical, mental and psychological, would feel the benefits of such a sleep arrangement.

More mental and physical energy

Physical and mental work would be easier and the body would get refreshment and rest at regular intervals. Now, as a rule, he has to wait, regardless of his condition, sometimes as long as sixteen hours. For other reasons, which are connected with the chemical reactions during the dream state, the health of the body would be improved; this schedule would also benefit schizophrenia and help people with depression or mental instability in general.

Your sense of time would also be less rigorous and inflexible. Creative powers would be revived and the problem of insomnia that many people suffer from would be largely overcome - because these people often fear the long periods of time during which consciousness, as they think of it, is seemingly erased.

Then after waking up you would have a small meal or eat something small. This method of eating and sleeping would help tremendously with various digestive problems.

Physical activity during the night

Physical activity during the night has, for many reasons, a different effect on the body than physical activity during the day, ideally both, because both types of effect are necessary.

At certain times during the night, for example, the negative ions in the air are much stronger or more numerous than during the day; and activity at this time, especially a walk or other activity in the air, would be very beneficial from a health point of view.


Sleeping pills

The time just before dawn is often a critical point for seriously ill persons. Consciousness has been gone from the body for too long at that time, and such returning consciousness then has problems dealing with the mechanism of the diseased body. The hospital practice of giving patients sleeping pills to sleep through the night is devastating for this reason. In many cases, this means too great an effort for the returning consciousness to exert to take over the diseased mechanism again.

Such drugs also often prevent certain necessary dream cycles that can help the body recover, and consciousness then becomes extremely disoriented. Therefore, some boundaries between different parts of yourself are not fundamentally necessary but are the result of habit and convenience.


A better understanding of the nature of yourself

Changes in your habit patterns would definitely bring you a better understanding of the nature of your Self. The inner dreaming parts of the personality seem foreign to you not only because of the fundamental difference in focus but also because you devote the opposite part of the twenty-four-hour cycle to these areas of yourself.

You separate them with all your might, quite elegantly separating your intuitive, creative, psychic abilities from your physical, manipulative, objective abilities. It doesn't matter how many hours of sleep you think you need. You'd be much better off taking a few shorter naps, while actually reducing your overall need for sleep. The biggest sleep block should be at night. But the effect of sleep is reduced and invalidated after six to eight hours of physical inactivity.


The more efficient function of hormones

The functions of hormones and chemicals, and especially the adrenal processes, would work much more efficiently with such alternating periods of activity. Wear and tear on the body would be minimized while all regenerative powers would be maximized. Both people with fast and slow metabolism would benefit from it.

The psychic centers would be activated more often and the overall identity of the personality would be strengthened and preserved. The resulting mobility and flexibility of consciousness would bring extraordinary benefits in the form of increased conscious concentration and fatigue would always remain below dangerous levels. The result would be greater physical and mental balance.


Adopting a new sleep schedule

A new sleep schedule can be adapted quite easily. For example, those who observe working hours might sleep four to six hours a night, depending on the individual's needs, and take a nap after coming home from work. Anything over six to eight hours of continuous sleep works against you, and, for example, ten hours of sleep has a distinctly unfavorable effect. After waking up, you often don't feel rested, but drained of energy. You have not guarded your supplies well.

During sleep, your consciousness actually leaves your body. It is true that your consciousness returns from time to time to check the physical mechanism, and the simple consciousness of the atoms and cells—the consciousness of the body—remains always with the body, so that the body is not empty. But the highly creative parts of yourself actually leave the body for long periods while you sleep.


Neuroses and sleepwalking

Some cases of highly neurotic behavior are the result of current sleep habits. Sleepwalking is also associated with them to some extent. Consciousness wants to return to the body but has been hypnotized by the idea that the body must not wake up. Excess nerve energy takes over, rousing the muscles to action because the body knows it has been inactive for too long or severe muscle spasms would occur.


Eating habits

You alternate between stuffing yourself and then starving your tissues. This has a definite effect on the nature of your consciousness, your creativity and your degree of concentration. For example, you literally starve your body at night and thus contribute to its aging by denying it food during all those long hours. All this reflects on the strength and nature of your consciousness.

Your diet should be spread over the entire twenty-four hours and not just during the time you are awake – meaning that if your sleep patterns change, you would still be eating at night. However, you would eat much less at a time. Small amounts of food consumed much more often would benefit you much more physically, mentally and psychologically than your current habits.


A change in sleep schedule would automatically bring about a change in eating habits.


Development of intuitive abilities

For example, you would become much more aware of your clairvoyant and telepathic abilities, and you would not feel the sharp line that you now feel between your dream and waking selves. This sense of foreignness would largely disappear.

Your enjoyment of life would also increase, as you are, as a rule, most oblivious when it comes to nighttime. You would be able to make much better use of the intuitive knowledge you receive in the dream state, and you would not have such frequent mood swings.


You would feel much more confident and secure in all areas of existence.

The problems of senility would also be reduced because there would not be a minimization of stimuli for such a long time.

And consciousness, with its greater flexibility, would be much more aware of its sense of joy.


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