This short story begins with the sleeping city of Madurai. Kasi, a native of Madurai, studied all the subjects of his youth and from school to college in Madurai during his career. Ordinary family Kasi's father died at an early age. Kasi lived with his mother. Kasi has a brother with him. Who has completed his studies systematically? Belonging to the middle class. Not to mention that the study is super and reads normally. But Kasi’s circle of friends is huge.
All of them are constantly circling the city of Madurai. They will watch all the movies coming out during the holidays. Many women surrounded him during his studies as it was an art to see his pet for Kasi Amma. But Kasi never fell in love with anyone. Kasi's habit is to have fun as well as get rid of it. Either way Kasi completed his bachelor’s degree.
Beyond that he has no facility in the family to study. He joined Bill at a casual hotel in his hometown. The wise Kasi knows many languages. A man from Bangalore came to the hotel where he was working, and he was amazed at his talent and asked if his brother could come to work in Bangalore. I can tell my mother and I will bring them too.
Kasi also went to work from Madurai to Bangalore in a couple of days. The job assigned to him was the clerk. Kasi is a very active time worker. In the office of the newly hired accountant, two close friends built the office round. The law is what both of them say in office. Kasi's brother attended a college in Bangalore. Kasi also worked hard in the office and the boss had more confidence in him. Even if a new manager comes to the office, you should still listen to him. Over time he moved the pet office into the house. He had two sets of clothes in the office. The boss had more confidence in Kasi and gave him many new responsibilities. Kasi was getting old, but he was not thinking about marriage. Whoever is hired in the office cannot be hired without his permission.
Scripture will listen to what the boss has to say. Her main job was to seduce the women who came to the office during the day. Ask him out well if he is no longer absorbed in the connection.
At one point the boss sent the coin overseas to buy supplies for the exhibition and office. Through these opportunities Kasi has traveled to many countries. Kasi speaks wonderfully to everyone and achieves everything easily. He worked hard for the company while staying abroad and staying in a normal hotel without seeing the rain sun while going abroad. Whenever he asks for money, the employer will give it to him immediately. As Kasi's mother grew older, her brother graduated and joined the work force. Now the income of the two at home also got more quilt in the office. He bought a small house in Bangalore because he had a lot of money.
At home it has become the age of marriage for both Kasi and her brother. But the two spent time unmarried. The boss had too much faith in him and sent him to other branches in case of trouble. This is how Kasi was sent to the Labor Salary Problem on the Industrial Road. Kasi talked a lot to the workers. Workers went on strike over his pats. While the factory was on strike, an export container arrived. Kasi immediately came up with the idea and loaded the container with all his colleagues as the first person to see it.
As Kasi's age increased, he went to Madurai and immediately brought his acquaintance to Bangalore in his car. The whole of Bangalore gathered around him and walked around. The husband became accustomed to the wife model. At one point they used the office as a home. The woman who came with him was said to be extorting money from Kasi. Kasi also picks him up whenever he needs to and travels around the city to isolate his lust. Why can we say that both are husband and wife who do not show remorse.
Kasi will go in her car wherever she goes. This is how move once traveled by car from Bangalore to Mumbai with his cousins, no matter how far away. On the way there was an accident halfway through the car became useless but fortunately everyone survived. They left the car at the scene of the accident and continued their journey by bus. He completed his trip to Mumbai and returned to Bangalore. Kasi, as usual, was fired by his employer for not listening to him.
The storm began to blow in the life of Kasi who was achieving all this. Kasi's dominance gradually diminished. In this predicament, Kasi's mother fell ill and was rushed to a nearby hospital where she succumbed to her injuries. Kasi had a hard time for a while because of the loss of her mother but she overcame it too. His brother did not get married as he was not married. The two were alone. More and more crimes were committed against someone else in office. The employer was furious with the employer.
One day the boss suddenly brought the coin to his room and the coin went away too. Kasi also moved from there with no other option. But Cozy worked in the office for many years and was given everything Settlement asked for. And received his PF money in full. All in all, Kasi got several lakhs. But because Kasi had a lot of lust, he went back to Madurai and gathered the woman close to him and the two became like husband and wife. Kasi did not care a bit about himself and the community. Coin's savings were also declining. During this time, Kasi's uncle had a sudden heart attack and died on the spot. Now he has lost his brother and his job and is lonely.
My brother was worried for a while, and it disappeared in the course of time. Kasi started spinning with the girl again. The woman had finished dissolving all the money she had. Realizing that Kasi no longer had money, the woman slipped away from Kasi and went to Madurai. Kasi lost all his money due to his bad habits and the only thing left was the house he bought many years ago.
Kasi suffered from severe cash shortages during the current period. There was a difficult situation with the food itself. Day wandered around the temple, relatives house for food that was friend’s house. Realizing that it was the illusion of lust and arrogance that destroyed us, Kasi now becomes a full-fledged monk and wanders around the temple. The mistakes that Kasi made in his old age are now a little heartless, arrogant, and arrogant. He was eventually destroyed by the woman for the sin he had committed against women.
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