The Tisul princess is only the first find

Surely you have all heard about the sensational story from the village of Rzhavchik. For those who don't know, while working in a coal mine a white sarcophagus was found in the rock, which is more than 250 million years old. Inside it was a woman in some kind of solution with some kind of object in her hand. They tried to pull her out of the liquid before transporting her, and the body came into contact with oxygen. Instant smoldering occurred, however, it was prevented by immersing the body back in.


Such an unexpected find was the beginning of the search for similar artifacts of incredible antiquity. Experts believe that there were at least 7 similar finds in the USSR. All of them had a lot of details in common. For example, the bodies were in a solution, who says bluish, who says pinkish, nevertheless, in all cases this liquid was present. The discovery of the finds was strictly classified. However, these things are hard to hide from the eyes of local residents. And despite numerous non-disclosure signatures, the information, especially in the 90s, was successfully spread.


The second find was made not far from the village of Rzhavchik. In a nearby mine, soldiers (civilians were not allowed in) found two sarcophagi of a similar white substance (presumably marble). Special flight on an unmarked helicopter took both objects to an unknown destination. It happened in 1970.


Another sarcophagus was found in Mongolia. In 1973 a secret research team was sent to the Gurvan-Saihan-Uul mountains at the prompting of locals. Under rather strange circumstances, the only civilian scientist who joined the expedition died in the said mountains. What exactly was found in the cave - is unknown. However, a similar special vehicle without identifying marks took out the find. Local residents, who had been in the cave before, stated later that the entrance had been blown up and it was now impossible to get inside. According to some information, in 1972 a local monk, inspired by a trip to Tibet, went to Gurvan-Saihan-Uul to explore the cave. He imagined that a mahatma might have been there in a state of samadhi. There, however, he saw a white sarcophagus.


Similar discoveries were made in Dagestan in 1974, in 1976 in the Kazakh SSR, and in 1978 between the towns of Mirny and Vilyuisk, 20 kilometers from the settlement of Nyurba. Unfortunately, nowadays it is extremely difficult to reconstruct the events of those years. The label "secret" still hangs over these, undoubtedly, strange artifacts of antiquity.


Who are they? Atlanteans, Hyperboreans, aliens from other planets? 


Now it is impossible even to guess who they are - the mysterious "sleeping" people. And whether they are people at all? If they are millions of years old, then it is possible that these beings came to us from other planets. For what reason did they fall asleep? It is not known. When such mysteries, which are tens and hundreds of millions of years old, are discovered, it is almost impossible to know their origins. What is there to say? You and I are witnesses of how the history of the Slavs has been and is being turned upside down. And here millions of years ... How many mankind was replaced, and decency, honesty and reverence for ancestors we have not learned. Therefore, and most of the mysteries of antiquity puts us in a daze.


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