The Top 5 Ways to Improve Your Life Style
Life style changes can help you lose weight, lower your cholesterol, and improve your heart health. But it takes discipline to stick to these changes long enough to produce results, which is why New Year’s resolutions usually don’t last beyond January 1st. These five strategies will give you the motivation and accountability you need to make long-lasting changes. You won’t have to wait until January 1st to see results!
1) Eat more greens
Greens are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. If you’re looking for a quick way to improve your diet, simply adding more greens—spinach is a great place to start—isn’t a bad idea. If you need ideas on how to do that, try one of these 12 recipes. A lot of people turn their noses up at green vegetables; don’t be one of them. Spinach has been shown to lower cholesterol levels in some individuals, so eating it as part of a healthy lifestyle might help protect against heart disease down the line. And it certainly can’t hurt! It takes only about half an hour to prepare (or less), and it can be used in almost any meal or snack: in sandwiches, with eggs, as a side dish...the possibilities are endless!
2) Get some exercise
You don’t have to be a fitness fiend or marathoner—even simple aerobic exercise has been proven to reduce stress and elevate mood. And working out isn’t just good for your body; it’s also good for your brain. Just 30 minutes of exercise can help enhance mental performance, boosting concentration, memory, alertness and mood—all of which comes in handy when you have work deadlines looming.
3) Learn new things
Learning new things is critical for keeping your mind sharp. Studies show that mentally stimulating activities like learning can protect you from cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s. Adults 65 and older who take courses in memory training or how to use new technologies show a lower rate of mental decline than people with similar levels of education who don’t learn new things, according to Harvard Medical School.
4) Read (a lot!)
Reading is one of my favorite ways to live more effectively. With a good book, you get new perspectives, ideas, and inspiration—and it’s easier than ever today with all of our technology. I always have at least one book going on my Kindle (I love that thing). The key is making time for reading each day, even if it’s just for 15 minutes. I try to read at least 30 minutes per day. You don’t need to be reading business books either; I love reading fiction (my latest read was The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet’s Nest by Stieg Larsson). Anything will help open your mind!
5) Get out of your comfort zone
If you’re not pushing yourself, trying new things and venturing out of your comfort zone, you’re not really growing. You should always feel uncomfortable – that’s how you know you are making progress! Being uncomfortable is actually good for us in many ways. So get out there and try something new, even if it scares you. And next time a little discomfort comes your way, ask yourself: what is it I am supposed to learn from all of this? How can I use my fear as an opportunity to grow? Because growth is inevitable when we step outside our comfort zones. We just need to choose whether we will grow or shrink. The choice is ours, and yours alone.
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