It's hard to take your eyes off the world's cutest animals. People are attracted by their huge eyes and smiling faces. The top 10 cutest animals include pandas, quokkas and pangolins. Red panda The red panda, or the lesser panda, is a mammal of the panda family, suborder of the canine family. It belongs to the category of predators, but eats mostly plant foods. This amazing species was discovered in 1821 by English general Thomas Hardwicke. The animal is 50-60 cm long and weighs up to 6.2 kg. It has a broad head with rounded ears. The main notable features of the red panda are its bright red color and large fluffy tail. One of the names of the red panda is the cat bear, but the animal is not one of the bears. The red panda is not related to the great red panda, but there are similarities between the species that evolved evolutionarily independently of each other. The red panda's diet consists of 95% young bamboo, and the remaining 5% includes berries, mushrooms, eggs, and small rodents. Red pandas, like black and white pandas, have a false sixth finger that helps them hold bamboo. The red panda makes sounds similar to birds chirping. When defending against an attack, the animal stands on its hind legs and raises its forelegs to appear larger. However, they appear even cuter in this position. Quokka The quokka, or marsupial beaver, is a small, short-tailed kangaroo. The animal is about 50 cm long and weighs up to 5 kg. The tail of the animal can reach 30 cm. A quokka is a smaller copy of a kangaroo with a cuter face. The animal is a herbivore, leading a mainly nocturnal lifestyle. Quokkas are curious and trusting animals. They will let a man approach them and even eat from their hands. They are defenseless against predators, so you will only find large populations of them in certain regions of Australia. National Geographic cites the quokka as one of the reasons to visit Australia. According to them, the quokka is the most positive animal in the world. This reputation the animal has earned because of its good-natured and smiling expression. The smile appears when the quokka is not chewing its food. Fat Lories Fat lories, or slow lories, are animals of the lory family of primates. Their body length reaches 38 cm and they weigh 1.5 kg. Loris have a round head with huge eyes and thick and soft fur. Thick lories look cute, but they are quite dangerous animals. The animal is the only poisonous primate species and one of the few poisonous mammals. In addition, loris are painful to bite. The animal makes hissing noises that make it look like a snake. Fat lory: Wikipedia The habitat of the fat lory spans India, Bangladesh, and all of Southeast Asia. They are nocturnal and come alive at sunset. During the day, the loris sleep high up in the trees. Lories are important in the rituals and beliefs of local peoples. They believe that the animals guard the gates of heaven and that each person has his or her own celestial lori. Fat lories, unlike thin ones, do not acclimate well in captivity, even in zoos. Despite this, the fat lory is one of the most popular exotic pets in Japan. The price of an animal can be as high as $4.5 thousand. Legal imports of loris are very rare, while the rest of the animals are caught illegally. Dwarf hippopotamus The dwarf, or Liberian, hippopotamus is an animal of the hippopotamus family. Its main habitat is Liberia, Sierra Leone and Cote d'Ivoire. Pygmy hippos resemble their larger counterparts by their semi-aquatic lifestyle, but they prefer to live alone and do not defend their territory. Externally, the animal resembles a hippopotamus, but has a more elegant appearance. The long legs and smaller head do not give the impression of a heavyweight hippo. Dwarf hippopotamus: Wikipedia Hippos go out to feed at night and bathe during the day. In case of danger, the pygmy hippo flees to the nearest forest grove. Pygmy hippos attract people by their cute graceful appearance and small size (177 cm in length). The weight of the animal can reach 275 kg, which is 10-12 times less than that of an ordinary hippopotamus. Kalan A kalan, or sea otter, is a predator of the family of the Siberian hippopotamus. These animals spend most of their lives in the sea, occasionally venturing out on land. A sea otter reaches 1.5 m in length and up to 27 kg in weight. People are attracted not only by the kalan's pleasant appearance, but also by their maternal behavior. A baby sea otter is unable to move in the water on its own, so it spends most of its time on its mother's belly. Mama sea otters are very reverent with their babies, holding them tightly while they sleep. Calans are not only cute, but also intelligent animals. They are able to use carefully selected size pebbles to open sea shells, making them one of the few animal species that use tools. Koala Koala Koala is a species of marsupial animals, the only species in the Koala family. Its main habitat is the coastal zone in southern and eastern Australia. Koalas feed exclusively on eucalyptus and are tied to large eucalyptus forests. The animals resemble their closest relatives the wombat, but neither has
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