Therapeutic fasting is simple

How long can a man live? This eternal question is still faced by mankind to this day. The ancient Greeks believed that to die at the age of 70 was almost the same as to die in the cradle. According to ancient Greek writers and historians, the Pelasgians had an average life span of at least 200 years. At the same time, until the end of their days they preserved their vitality and their hair did not turn grey.


In Japan, the head of the family of long-livers Mampe lived 240 years, working until his last day. And such examples of long-livers are endless, including long-livers living now in Japan, India, the Caucasus and other parts of our planet.


Even when a man is well-off and healthy, there is still a word which he is afraid to utter, a thought which he drives away from himself, something which brings grief, pain and regret. That word, that thought, is death.


Even when life seems an unbearable burden, how convulsively man clings to it. What mental strength is spent on the struggle with death! With what passion does man cling to life!


The greatest human dream is health and long life!


Man feels at home in this world and would like to live here forever if he were healthy and full of young strength. Life itself is a miracle. And that miracle is in our hands.


Ever since Adam and Eve lived in the gardens of Eden, the extension of human life has been the most important problem. Persian and Greek sages many centuries before Christianity tried to solve it, but without success. Even today, all serious minds seek a solution to this riddle.


It is impossible to avoid death, but each person, observing the rules of hygiene and diet, can live to a ripe old age. It is possible to achieve this only by taking care of your body, to extend life to normal limits - at least to 120 years. But, unfortunately, because of his shameless intemperance in food and drink, man dies before he is halfway through his life.


Of the many species, only man does not live up to his natural limit. Animals instinctively sense what way of life to lead, what to eat, what to drink. When they are sick or injured, they usually starve. Instinct makes animals eat what is good for them, while man consumes the most difficult-to-digest food, washes it down with poisonous drinks and then wonders why he doesn't live a hundred years! In theory we all crave a long life, but in practice we reduce our life to a minimum.


It turns out that there is a way not only to make your body healthy, but also to return it to its original youth, and with it the happiness and joy of life.


The secret of health and longevity can be formulated in three words: "Cleanse your body".


Therapeutic fasting


The greatest cleanser, but not a cure for disease, is physiological fasting. By proper and sensible starvation, one is able to break free from the shackles of age. By starving yourself, you help nature to flush out breakdown products and poisons that have accumulated in the body.


Therapeutic fasting is the only method to cleanse and rejuvenate the body, because it is nature's own natural way. And all the critical articles about starvation are written by people who have never skipped a single meal in their lives.


We know firsthand that many people, when cleansing the body, are treated by starvation, that there are even medical centers where people are treated by starvation under the supervision of qualified doctors.


And yet, in spite of this, the word "hunger" frightens us, since our psychology is not prepared for it. But starvation has been familiar to man and animals since time immemorial. In primitive man it was the only way of treatment. Centuries passed, man starved when he was wounded or sick, because the instinct of self-preservation told him so. True, it should be noted that along with starvation, medicinal plants were also used as a tonic and anti-inflammatory.


Therapeutic fasting is not only the oldest of all means of fighting ailments, but also the best, since it has no side effects. It is the most natural way to cleanse the body.


From ancient history, we know that since ancient times, starvation has been used by followers of Eastern religions and representatives of ancient civilizations. Fasting was practiced not only to restore health and preserve youth, but also for spiritual enlightenment. The great Pythagoras believed that only forty days of fasting could purify and enlighten the mind to such an extent as to perceive the depths of the teachings on the mysteries of life.


One must always remember that health must be earned. It cannot be bought.

The Principle of Starvation


When we fast, that is, stop eating, all the body's internal vital energy, which was used to chew, swallow, digest, move through the intestines and excrete food, is spent on removing toxins and poisons from the body. That is, vital energy is doing cleansing work in our body.


The body cleans itself, heals itself, and regenerates itself. In short, when we stop eating, miraculous things happen in our body! But what kind of things? At the expense of what resources the functioning of the organs and the body as a whole is supported?

It turns out that it is not as complicated as it seems at first glance.


Approximately 18 hours after the last meal, the body switches to internal (endogenous) nutrition. Therefore, under absolute starvation (total refusal of food), the body's life is maintained by using up the available internal reserves, splitting up sick and weakened by pathology cells, fat reserves and other foreign tissues (polyps, adhesions, scars, etc.).


In the process of fasting many organs and systems of the body get physiological rest, which allows them to restore their damaged structures and functions.


Prof. Yu. Nikolaev, on the basis of long-term practice of therapeutic fasting, says the following about this phenomenon:


Starvation leads to a sharp intensification of "destructive" processes, to the destruction and removal from the body of all excesses, toxins, everything that clogs it, interferes with normal vital activity. This refers first of all to pathological deposits and formations, such as salt deposits, excessive fat, toxic products of metabolism, etc. Being freed from toxins, the body switches to endogenous nutrition by destroying its own fats, carbohydrates and proteins of certain organs and tissues, but almost without affecting such vital organs as the heart and brain. This process of intensified destruction of tissues, cells and molecules is accompanied by intensification of restorative processes at molecular, cellular and tissue levels and leads to renewal and as if rejuvenation of the whole body and all its organs.


Thus, at complete and absolute starvation the principle of priority preservation of vital tissues of the body works. This principle indicates that in the first place it is necessary to "eat" all alien and superfluous. Then one begins to "eat" one's own tissue and organs according to the principle of importance. In this connection, starvation is considered a surgery without a knife, and the surgeon here is nature itself.


To starve means to eat from the reserves of one's own body.


Herbert Shelton, the author of very popular books on human health, began to practice fasting in the summer of 1920. Over a period of forty-five years, he conducted thousands of fasts in humans lasting from a few days to ninety days, both to reduce excess weight and to help the body restore lost health.

Shelton's writings are considered a classic of natural healing.


Any drug treatment of this or that disease does not give such a positive effect as metered fasting.


During the fasting period, the vital forces are directed not only to purify the body, but also to the complex recovery of the disturbed organs and systems. And what is very important, part of the cleansing effort is aimed at cleansing the blood vessels and reducing, due to excess weight, the capillaries.

That's why after a ten-day fast very often there is a feeling of lightness in the whole body, the mind becomes acute and more receptive, the memory intensifies. There is a great need for physical activity.


We can prolong the life of our heart with a fasting program, but in combination with a natural nutrition program that removes substances that clog arteries.

Arslan Tariq - Mar 8, 2022, 8:08 AM - Add Reply


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I'm Maxim. Н. Universal artist striving for the best, trying to change the world as well. Peaceful skies overhead