So which rpm ranges will kill your engine? Actually, there are two ranges. The first one is from 4500 to the finish line. It is one thing to overtake someone and "crank up" the power unit for only a few seconds, but it is another thing to do it constantly and for a long time. All this leads to a sharp increase in engine load, which as a result results in increased oil consumption, overheating, as well as, in some cases, leads to serious repair of the unit.
The second range is from 1000 to 1200 rpm. This driving mode also loads the power unit more heavily than usual. At the same time, oil pressure drops and the oil pump fails. Because of this, oil starvation occurs, there are scuffing on the cylinder walls, as well as abrasion of the antifriction layer on the crankshaft liners and pistons.
In addition, there is an increased risk of accelerated valve wear and, consequently, engine overhaul. On the end of each of the valves with time a notch may occur, which in some cases will not allow the valve to rotate and thus "kill" the engine.
To prevent all risks, experts recommend giving the power unit the optimum load for it, keeping revolutions within the limits of 1800-3000 per minute. Otherwise, there is a very high risk of overloading the engine and then permanently putting it out of operation.
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