There were many warm memories of those times

Seryoga lived in another city, and every summer he came for the whole three months to stay with his grandmother, who lived in our five-story building next door. A lot of the same friends came to our house to visit their grandparents for the summer, but Sergei and I were especially close friends. Together we climbed construction sites, ran from the guards, and in the evenings we picked rowanberries and, when it got dark, hid behind the growing trees in the yard and shot at the windows of neighboring houses with a slingshot... There were many warm memories of those times.


But one of them was, to put it mildly, not so warm.

It didn't happen at night, but in the middle of a clear, bright, summer day. We were hanging out in the yard, thinking, as always, about what to do. Sergei suggested we go to my house and call a colored gnome. I must say that we were about seven years old and it was common for children to call all sorts of devils and the queen of spades. I remember, the whole front of our house was even painted with figures of devils. So played in those days kids who grew up without internet, and it was very interesting. And the queen of spades? Playing in the yard until dark and calling her a crowd of kids in the entryway, that then alone it was scary to go home. I had to yell for my mother from the street to come out and walk home through the dark staircase. Eh, childhood... But I digress again.


As I said, Sergei offered to go to my house and call a colored dwarf. So they tried to call him in his city of Omsk, but they did not work. At my house was just no one, and I supported the idea with great pleasure. So we went to my place, excited, in anticipation of some magic.


When we went in, Sergei asked me to take a clear glass and pour water into it, then add shampoo. I did so. And so, we sat down on the floor, in the middle of the room, putting the glass in front of us. The sun's rays were falling from the window directly onto the glass itself, and the glass, filled with water and shampoo, shimmered magically and somehow particularly.


Next, he asked me to stare at the glass and be quiet, and he began to say the words that I remembered for the rest of my life. Even he does not remember them now, after all this time, and was very surprised when I said them to him at our meeting. So here are the words themselves: Hello, dear dwarf, the two of us came to summon you. And then Sergei made a whispered accent: "As many people as you need to say," and continued. Colored dwarf, please appear. Dwarf, are you here?


Then we sat and stared at the glass. Things began to happen that simply could not be. Started to see the silhouette of a little man. Here I saw a red cap, a blue blouse, and white striped socks with red stripes on them. I did not believe what I saw, putting it down to my imagination. And then Sergei elbowed me in the side: "You see, you see it?" - he said with a shiver in his voice. We both watched like fascinated.


Next came a face that seemed to me to be smiling, with sly little eyes squinting. It shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow, glistening. Then the water began to cloud over, and the face began to distort. There was no longer a kind smile on the man's face, but an evil smirk. His silhouette darkened and became all black, then the water in the glass became all black, and the little man dissolved in this "resin". Then something happened which made us run out of the apartment like a bullet, the glass broke into small pieces with a pop.


That wasn't the end of the story. Next, all the shampoo that was in the bathroom turned black. For which I got a good kick out of my parents, who thought I had spoiled it with something. Naturally, we did not say anything to the adults, no one would have believed us.


Sergei, when we met many years later, confirmed that we had seen it together. And how could I forget that the glass had shattered into pieces?

I would also like to add that my friend's grandmother was a witch or znakharova, I do not know how right. She was not bypassed, not feared, but went for help. Mostly she used to heal children's ailments. Does this have anything to do with our story? I don't know. But all sorts of strange things happened to Seryoga until a certain childhood age. But that, as they say, is another story.


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