Three signs that help you to understand that the person wants to harm you

First sign. The person criticizes you, but pretends to do it in good faith. For example, you have tried and prepared a table for a party. Man comes in and says, "everything is fine, but there is no my favorite salad. And the hot meal could have been better. I hope I helped with my advice."


That is, the person hides behind advice, but in fact reduces your self-esteem and credibility in the eyes of others. If the person desires evil, he will constantly spew such things. The purpose of such a person is to jab you. It is better in front of other people. It is safer and the effect is stronger.


Second sign. Such a person cannot rejoice in your victories and successes. For example, you tell that you have a new purchase, or a promotion, it doesn't matter. If the person wishes you well, he will sincerely congratulate you. And if the person does you evil, he will restrain his emotions.


He will try to show joy, but, as a rule, such people are bad actors. It is important to look at the face, not at the words. Mimicry will say a lot. It is the same with bad news. A person can smile for a moment and then feel sorry for you. But inside he will have joy.


The third sign. A person avoids one-to-one communication. Because, firstly, he is afraid that he will be found guilty of wishing harm. Secondly, he doesn't particularly like communicating with the person he wishes evil.


As a rule, this person speaks out about you exclusively in company. The larger the person, the more willingly the person speaks. Therefore, he will avoid seeing you one-on-one. That is my opinion.


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Hi, my name is Vladimir! I try to give more knowledge and experience with my articles, so that you don't repeat my mistakes. I hope you like my articles)