1. Understanding the uniqueness of China's Internet ecosystem
China does not have the well-known search engines and social networks. Baidu is the main search engine in China. Few people use VPNs to use Western platforms and search engines. In addition, China has the "Golden Shield" project, which implies strict censorship of content. It is important to adapt the site and content for it and Chinese social networks to the ecosystem of the Chinese Internet and the culture of local consumers.
2. Maximize the use of Chinese social platforms
5 of the top 10 websites in the world, according to Amazon Alexa Table, by influence and number of users were Chinese platforms (Tmall, Baidu, WeChat, Sohu, Taobao). Digital promotion in China is based on marketing on social platforms.
Chinese platforms are leaders in terms of:
innovation/integration into everyday life
targeted advertising
number of users involved
Changes in "Social E-Commerce."
There are many social platforms in China. Most often we work on the following platforms:
Forums (Zhidao, Zhihu, Tianya)
News sources (Eg News 168, Ifeng)
Youku Video's
3. defining the strategy with the help of agencies
You're entering a specific market, so how important it is to reach out to marketers who know that market from the inside out. We will give you a complete consultation and design the best strategy individually for your company, based on:
Scope of business
Type of merchandise
KPIs / Expectations
4. Concept Validation
Before launching a full-scale strategy to promote your company in China, it is important to test the concept with the initial budget and gather feedback.
Checking and validating the strategy is a crucial step in the overall promotion process
5. Fully digital promotion
China is one of the leading countries in digitalization (more than one million online users with 5% annual growth). 25% of retail purchases are made online. Without the use of digital sales tools, it is simply impossible to succeed in China today.
Here are some statistics to explain the extent of digital technology in the hearts and minds of the Chinese:
25% of all retail purchases are now made online
WeChat has over a billion monthly active users
Weibo - 550 million MAUs
More than 70% of all consumers use digital payment methods
Why has digital technology become such an important element of Chinese society? China made an economic leap at a time when technology was in abundance. They abandoned traditional media forms and went straight to digital technology, smartphones, e-commerce and social media.
China may be the most digital country in the world. Selling online in China is a unique opportunity for foreign companies as the demand for imported goods in China grows.
6. Step-by-step sales of products
With the help of an agency, e-commerce can be successfully launched without mistakes or problems if you take the time (6 months on average) to create a quality branding of the company.
In the minds of Chinese consumers, international goods are always quality goods.
7. Maintaining quality and regularity of content
In China, content solves a lot, if not everything. The Chinese consumer will only be interested in buying if your content is fully aligned with Chinese consumer culture and the unique ecosystem of their internet.
Quality content is more than just text and PR. Here are the key elements to focus on when creating quality local content :
Bilingual copywriters.
Formatting for a specific Chinese platform
Image / aesthetic development
Video content
The key to creating content is understanding what type of strategy is required for each platform .
Weibo is a microblogging system , posts need to be short and quick . Hashtags should be placed both before and after each post.
WeChat messages require a strong incentive to act , but also need to be personal , why ? P ush- notification appears in the subscriber's personal feed (as if he were receiving a message from a friend).
Baidu content should be targeted towards the number one search engine ranking in China, therefore, it should include backlinks, have keywords that should be optimized for the Chinese search engine, and be very interesting so that it can be placed on the website.
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