Truth About Humans : Why We Are; Good, Bad, Evil, Sinful, Loving

Truth About Humans

I have been many things in this lifetime. Twenty two and already know my way around almost everything I will ever have to - or at least big potion of it.

Emotions. They are very core in my family. That's where I learnt how to love, care, be sad and courageous at the same time. 

We all agree the evil is around us always. If you care to look around it is all but good. For a minute of joy comes fifty nine or so of agony, fear, self doubt, anxiety and hate. Those are what makes most of our day 

As you predicted, we exist in different environments. But, we are all but one. 

Where I have to hit a cockroach with a slipper someone does something worse. If not to something then to themselves - which is even worse.

They talk of humanity and Humans. "That's why we differ from animals", they say. 

But, are we different?

Most of animals are communal, they have family and complicated bonds we will never understand. 

They say we differ. Does individualism, violence, hate, racism, social classification, everything-phobic and heartlessness make us better or worse than wild animals? Does it?

I kept asking myself why we are so. Why do we see skin, class and religion when we look at each other? Why not see a 'human' as they said?

Should I care if you believe in this or that? If you are educated or ignorant? If your family controls this or that? If you have a fifty or a hundred and fifty kilos?

Why not get to know you? 

Those questions lack answers for most. The ones who has it are mostly those who practice what they call 'human nature'. Should we be Humans or People?

I am two inches shy of six. Last time I stepped to observe my weight I was about 64kgs of weight. I'm currently 52 kgs making me somewhat underweight.

I don't care about about my weight, that I know. The shedding came from laziness to make something and reliance on cafeteria food at my campus. Yeah. I'm a third year.

You think it's irrelevant. Why would you bother knowing my mass and height, what for? 

This is why.

I have been eating, just not as much. For the drastic weight loss I ate but less. My human body didn't seem to notice that. All it knows is that I have to eat.

The worst of us is the Human in us. Because, my own body used itself as fuel to support the rest of it . That's why I lost mass from different parts of my body but still had life.

Concluding, humans are not different from animals. In fact, we are worse on the outside. 

We do whatever it takes to make sure that we survive. That is the right way to go but the wrong implementation.

If we want to be more than humans, more than animals, we have to be people. To make sure that We survive - all of us. To consider the other person as equal without looking at what they do or don't have. What they do or don't believe in. 

If we become that, the social problems that are alienating us now will be a piece of cake. 


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About Author

I am a third year student at University taking Business Law. That is very much different from what I do online. I recognized the world online some years back in high school. Back then I used to read articles, blogs, watch, read online web novels and listen to music. It was during those times I started working on Light Reader as a book writer until it went down late last year. I published four books and amassed great audience. From there I moved to Webnovel and started a novel Nine Lives Of Cat which has been well received so far. I work on OnlinebookclubOrg as a book editor to keep my efficiency and because I still love reading. Away from pages I am introvert with music making most of my day. Would have been a very good lyrist if I sat down to write music, not too late. I have read articles here and decided to share mine with You. Hope I will not bore You.