Truth or Fiction?! Let's find out

Yesterday I rewatched the movie "Irony of Fate or Easy Vapour". The story is fictional and unrealistic in many moments, but it's interesting, don't you agree? And I thought, could such a case could happen in our time and with our compatriots.

Let's imagine. Let's take a hypothetical Man, who regularly goes to the baths. Or maybe he even has a tradition of going there on December 31. Well, the fact that you can "take a bath" there so that you do not even remember who goes where can be imagined.

And then it would all seem unreal. How is it possible to put an unconscious man on an airplane? But to put such a passenger on a train or at least in a cab, it is quite possible. And the fact that his friends could have mixed up who and where he was going, after such a wash, that's out of the question.

Moving on. In Soviet times, every city used to have a Lenin Street or a Stroiteley Street, just like in the movie. And now every city, I think, has an Independence Street or Freedom Street, in Ukraine for sure. I'll go look it up now. So it adds up here. The man could name such a street and it could very well be in another city.

Here's how it goes, with the key to the apartment. Okay, in the old days, locks were made in the factories of the country of Soviets, and it could be, that the key fits to another door. But then I remembered that nowadays we are well supplied by China and it is likely that the lock was bought from the same Chinese site.

But here is the most incredible event, for me, is the main character falling in love with a drunken Man. He meets the New Year, sings a song to her, eats a fish soup and that's it, love is carrot.

So I think that such a story could very well happen in our time. But with the exception of the last point. And then I wondered if I was just a skeptic. And I don't believe you can change your life overnight and someone did.

Girls, boys, do you believe you can fall in love overnight? Do you believe in this story at all?

Shall we talk?


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