Two simple techniques to be happy every day

Let's figure out what to do to be happy and how to stop being nervous and start living. First of all agree, everything around us is temporary.


Everything is born and dies. And it so happens that it is to external forms that we are most attached, and many of us are limited to the perception of external images.


And if we step back and think about it, isn't it silly that we are so exposed to something that, in fact, cannot affect itself, is constantly changing, being born and dying. All forms are temporary, appearing and disappearing forever.


But in that brief moment of their existence are capable of making people nervous, angry, suffering, shedding tears, worrying, despairing, and hating. (Why are people angry?)


These are the people we have madly loved or hated, the problems we have had at work, at home, or anywhere else, the things we are attached to or want very much to have.


It is all the external circumstances that force us to react. It's everything that has happened to us and left its mark, even though it's the past and it no longer exists, but the mark still hurts. Or it's worrying about the future, both our own and that of our children and relatives.


All that is and who is around us and all those circumstances and events, the sources of which these people, things and forms become, all this has a tremendous impact on the person.


From all sides we are pulled by strings like puppets, and we just react and react and react.


We try to adjust to people and circumstances, try to change to please them, try to seem better than we are. Our whole life turns into nothing but stress, worry, suffering, and depression.


What can you do to be happy?


First and foremost, you need to be yourself!


How to love and accept yourself?


But every day he is forced to be what the external environment expects of him. And in fact it is the external reality that is absolutely harmless and safe for man.


Exactly external reality is that space, that object, if I may say so, which reacts to the person. And not vice versa.


How to be happy every day?


How to be happy always is to feel your body from the inside. I'll explain below.


What I said above, but in other words - a person is influenced by the egotistical mind. Does that sound strange and incomprehensible?


Man perceives himself as this form, which he thinks he is. And he wants in every way to protect this form, both physical and psychological, from influence and from destruction.


This is the main fear of man - to lose his form. After all, when identifying himself with his ego, he has nothing but the form to denote himself. And there appears a seemingly logical chain: there is a form - I am, there is no form - I am not.


With such a formula for understanding life, of course, one cannot do without fear, without stress and suffering.


But it is not. It's a big mistake that results in both a nervous life of constant worry and not the life you'd like.


First, because you constantly have to struggle with stress and reactions to the outside world, but also because under such conditions you simply don't hear and understand yourself!


That's how life flies by, only you don't know what it was all for.


The first thing that is important to understand is that you have to look deeper. The image, no matter how stunning it is, is only because of the form that created it. As soon as the form loses form (person, thing, whatever), the image changes, the joy and happiness that it gave us goes away.


What to do to be happy?


Pay attention to what does not change, what is behind this image and behind this form.  Happiness is within us.


Take yourself as an example. A person lives, grows up, grows old, but that which is within him, that which was the Life that started his heart and breath and that sustains these processes all his life. It is there inside us always, no matter what we look like or what other people think of us. It is there and it is constant.


So we can trust that which is within us.


As strange as it may sound to you, the first step in answering the question of how to be happy is always this.


No matter what happens in life, no matter what images you encounter, no matter what problems try to affect you, pay attention to the feelings inside your body that they cause. It's simple.


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