Ways in Marriage to Say I Love You

For the success of relations, it is necessary to do a few important things. Very often these important things are skipped. You can tell each other "I love you" all the time. In the end, the words "I love you" are supposed to show how much your second half is significant and desirable.


But in reality, is this enough?


If your relationship lasts more than three months, you probably already know that the magic of these words is losing value every day.


We often say "I love you" and easily lose the true meaning of these words. But do not worry, there are many ways to say "I love you" without words.


#1. Surprises. 


One of the best ways to confess is to surprise your loved ones now and then. Suppose you are going to go shopping and look after something for your loved ones? If ideas do not occur, you can take note of the romantic ideas from this article.


#2. Romantic gestures.


 To smell the beloved's hair after the bath, gently cuddle, take the hand, look intently into the eyes and much more, you can, we assure you.


#3. Small details.


 Trivialities, which many disregard in the relationship, also play a big role in the relationship. You can get up early in the morning to make breakfast for your loved ones, call in the middle of the day and remind yourself of yourself, and also call in to take home.


#4. Disinterested love.


 Selfless love, selfless, not expecting reward, do you believe in such love? Have you ever sacrificed your own happiness simply to bring a smile to your loved one's face? When you take into account the needs of your loved one above your personal.


#5. Your significant dates. 


Do you remember the day you asked her to meet? And other special dates? Share your happiness with them, show that you really did not forget these dates - that's the main thing in your life.


#6. Appearance of affection. 


Let the whole world know how much you love them. Show how proud you are that you are together. Hold hands during a walk, press hard during the movie, hug, when the two of you.


#7. Listen carefully.


 We talk a lot in our relationship, but sometimes we need to be able to listen and listen. Do not ignore what your loved ones are asking. Respect their opinion and listen to them.


#8. Be supportive. 


Love is not just love and sex. Caring for your loved one is another sign of how you love. Help in a difficult moment and give advice - this is what the other half often needs, extend a helping hand, especially when they ask you about it.


#9. Do it together.


 Cleaning the house, repairing the room, cooking, etc. It will make you closer and say that you love him.


#10. Have fun.


 When you are at home, chase each other around the house, call each other silly names, sometimes touch each other

We at BetterMe want everyone to know and experience true love. It is out there for everyone and until it knocks on your door we are here to remind you.



When Last?

1. Did you get your Partner a Gift as a way to express your love/appreciation to them?

Don't buy them gifts only on occasions, do it regularly. Doesn't have to be an expensive gift. It's the thought that matters, not the price. 

2. Tell them you Love Them?

Those 3 magic words. 

Don't say they already know that you do

Don't only say this when you want a favor from them.. Say it EVERY SINGLE DAY.

3.Remind them how Beautiful/Handsome/Attractive they are? 

4. Did you pray and study the Bible with them?

Either virtually or Offline.. 

5.Go out on a Romantic date with them apart from church service?

6. Thank them for being sweet, loving and caring to you? 

1. (For the Married) Kiss your Partner?

It's the little things that sometimes matter most in the end. 

The times you spend with your lover praying, playing and growing.

The shared fun moments and laugher.

May our Relationships(Courtship) and Marriages be a place we find Love and Happiness..



Anyone is entitled to love and be loved but only a few can maintain love because to genuinely love someone means to give up a part of yourself..

Love without maintenance is a like a young man who doesn't shave his ampit and or wears his boxer for days without changing it..

We are going to consider more factors to help you maintain love...

TRUST: this is like an oil in a generator, the generator may have fuel( Love) but without oil( trust), the engine breaks down. Such is applicable in a relationship or marriage.

Without trust there is no need to continue.. You cannot comfortably disclose your dreams, desires and thoughts to someone you don't trust.

When there is no trust, there is no love. Trust is precious!   Trust is love!

OPENNESS. Love is like an apple kept on a fence while openness is the ladder to enable you to pick the Apple. To maintain love you must be transparent enough be open and involve each other in your respective daily activities. Trust preceeds Opennes, they're all needed in the maintenance of true love.....

INTIMACY: Relationship without intimacy is like bring a fish out from a river.

Mind you; Intimacy is not romance or sex.. Most people when they wanna present their selfish interest they will say" I want us to be intimate " Wrong mentality! One major benefit of effective communication is "intimacy " if you want intimacy, then engage in effective communication...

LISTENING: I have said it numberless times, that listening is a solution on its own. Good listeners are good lovers. Guy, pick that call and hear her out.... And you lady, also pick that call and hear him out.. Not just to hear but to pay a closed attention to her. To maintain love you have to be a good listener.

TRUTHFULNESS: Ladies and gentlemen, Love hate lies. Love is truthful. A lady told her boyfriend that the guy he previously saw her with, is her relation....but today that "relation" is now her husband. 

A guy told his girlfriend that the girl she saw in his house the other day, is his cousin.... but today, that his " Cousin is pregnant for him.

My people which way? 

Say No to lies in marriage and relationship.

MOOD/ TIMING: To maintain your love you have to study and understand each other. There is time for everything.. 

You don't agitate your babe when she is in her period...You don't provoke your man when he is broke...There is time and period to resolve conflicts or misunderstanding.

There are issues you don't resolve on phone either.

Know when to make your babe to laugh not to ask for sex.. Ladies love humor! 

You don't demand an explanation for something  from your man when he is driving or in a public place. ( Most Ladies lack petience)

Love is a beautiful thing but maintaining it, is where lie most problems....

When a man just loves you by your beauty, he prefers touching your body than understanding your mind, so after sex, he is disconnected from you. No more calls unless they're in the mood again. The conversation has only one direction. "I miss you, I can't wait to hold you, I can't wait to make love to you. Ladies be wise

There is nothing better for a man, than that he should eat and drink, and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labour. This also I saw, that it was from the hand of God.Ecclesiastes 2:24 I pray for you today that you will enjoyed life to the fullest in the name of Jesus. Any man or woman looking for your death will not find you nor your family, friends and love ones in the name of Jesus. He who swallowed death in victory will not permit any threats of death around you in the name of Jesus. I decree upon your life and family this day that you will live and not die so that you can declare the glory of God in the name of Jesus. From today and always by the mercies of God you will eat the fruit of your labour in the name of God the father and of the son and of the Holy spirit Amen. 

True enjoyment in life is found in Christ Jesus, accept Christ today and enjoy life forever.


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