What happens if you do 100 push-ups every day

Now you know how to do push-ups to build up your pecs and which method (staircase) will be used.


You have a question: "How often can I do push-ups? What happens if I do push-ups every day?"


Great question, and I see your eagerness.


A lot of people on the internet write nonsense like "muscles need time to recover" and stuff like that.


They have listened to the stories of mature bodybuilders, who do 20 sets of 10 reps with 120 kg barbell. Of course, at such a load the muscles need several days to recover.


But now we're doing good old-fashioned push-ups and only do a hundred push-ups a day. Yes, now it seems to you that it's a lot and difficult, that your poor muscles can overload and burst, but in fact your body has such potential that 100 push-ups a day will not cause any overtraining.


100 push-ups is a very small load for our body.


We will do push-ups six days a week.


The moment I decided to send all the advice from the Internet and do push-ups every day, you know what happened?


You think I got injured or died from overtraining? Hehe. NO.




Finally, after months or even years of aimless training, it started to really grow.




Do two stairs to 10 push-ups every day and in a month you just won't believe your breasts could have that much volume.


If two stair climbs of up to 10 times are boring to you and you are not a complete beginner, you can do just one stair climber of up to 14 times.


By doing some simple math, you'll get 105 push-ups in one staircase.


You'll be pleasantly surprised.


Train Monday through Saturday, rest on Sunday.


If you're really tough, train every day - nothing bad will happen.


This is the best way to build pecs at home in a short time.


The only caveat is to keep an eye on the condition of your joints.


Very rarely will your shoulder joints be a little tired or a little sore. You are officially excused from the workout that day - rest up and come back the next day.


Notice, I'm not talking about muscle pain, I'm talking about joint pain - those are different things.


If you did a push-up the first day and your muscles hurt the next day, feel free to do it again. In a day or two they will even stop hurting.


I'm talking about shoulder joint pain and fatigue. Don't get confused.


How long does it take to get your chest pumped up with push-ups?


You haven't even started yet, and you already want to know how long it takes?


Let me put it this way: in a month or two of daily training, your chest will become as rounded as you've never seen it in your life.


Yes, it won't be a Schwarzenegger barre, but you'll have huge results in just one or two months of training.


You'll progress very quickly if you listen to me and train every day.


There's a lot of information on the internet about "overtraining" and "muscle rest". It's all bullshit - train every day and you'll be amazed at your progress.


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