What you can not do with the phone, if you want it to last a long time

Smartphones are getting more expensive, and every user wants them to last longer and longer. Unfortunately, as the cost increases, we only get new features (and not always), but almost nothing changes when it comes to durability. By and large, how long the phone will last depends on you and me. Our habits and prejudices ruin our own devices and shorten their lifespan. To make your smartphone and other gadgets last longer, we have collected for you the most popular myths that are still alive. In one way or another it has been discussed more than once, but people make the same mistakes over and over again. Let's consolidate the result and learn something new about extending the life of our devices.


We want our new phone to last a long time, but we kill our gadgets ourselves.


What's not good for your phone


By and large, if you don't drop your phone and dip it in water - which you shouldn't do even if you have the protection - the only element that suffers during use is the battery. Only it has a really pronounced wear and tear, not just the risk of mechanical damage. Therefore, you need to know how to take care of it and what to do to make it last. After all, if it fails, you will have to replace it, which is a violation of the integrity of the device, money, time, the risk of installing a low-quality battery.


Almost all modern gadgets run on lithium-ion batteries (Li-Ion). Less common are lithium polymer batteries (Li-Po). Sometimes there are other types of batteries, but they are less common due to the fact that they lose weight, durability and demanding conditions of use.


A battery is not just a piece of plastic, but a complex chemical module.


Today's lithium-ion batteries, which mostly come with smartphones, perform better if the charge level is kept in the 30-80% range. Some studies prove that if you stick to these values, you can increase the number of charge cycles by about 25-30%. So don't be afraid to charge your phone at 40-50% - this will only make it better.


Is it possible to charge the phone at night?

It is not a myth, it is a convenience, but you should not do so, and this partly relates to the previous point. If you leave the phone charging overnight, it will always be 100% charged, and this, as we've learned, is not a good thing. In addition, the battery is constantly under voltage, which also greatly reduces its life.


In fact, modern devices have a function to turn off the power when the maximum charge is reached or even smart charging. It keeps the charge at 80% and only raises it to 100% before you wake up normally. But any such system can fail. It's best to just not put your phone on charge at night. Just charge it once in a while and it will always have an adequate charge level.


Constant charging or overheating is fraught with the risk of combustion.


Charging your phone in the winter or summer

It may seem like outside temperatures can't affect your phone's battery, but they don't. It can. If the temperature is too high (near the battery, in the sun, under a stack of papers) or too low (in winter outside, under air conditioning), the chemical processes proceed differently and the battery wears out faster. In the case of heat there is also the risk of overheating, which can cause the battery to swell or even explode. Therefore, in many cases it is better to remove the case from the phone while charging. We're used to not doing this and ruining our batteries.


Overheating is much more unpleasant than overcooling the battery. But when the phone is charged in a cold place, the chemical processes are slower anyway. So cold places are also worth avoiding.


Can I use a non-genuine charger?

You can use a non-genuine charger, but you have to do it very carefully. Only quality accessories should be chosen, even if they are not original.


Can I use a Power Bank?

On this subject there is a lot of controversy, and I will not add oil to the fire. I will only say that the manufacturers of such portable chargers are trying to make them as small as possible or to use as large a battery as possible for the same size. In the end there is no room for a normal controller and we get the risk of voltage spikes.



An external battery can be used, but it must be a good one. And you should not abuse it.


Simply put, you can use an external battery, but choose a good one, and if it is possible to charge from the wall outlet, choose this method, leaving the Power Bank for emergencies. Also, do not abuse the charging in transport (car, train). In such places too unstable voltage, and it harms the battery. Often in this case, the lesser evil will be the use of the Power Bank.


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