When Results Are a Bit Out Of Reach, is a Helping Hand Trustworthy?

You are at the surface of water gasping for air, and a helping hand seems to be your only hope of making it out alive. The future does look bright – the mind can alter anything easily, but it becomes a different story in reality. As you work on your goals, some things seem to be a bit out of your reach; are you just overwhelmed by your own goals? 

In your mind, a helping hand coming to aid you in achieving your goals seems all too easy. But what if reality were to add a dash of complexity to the whole equation? Because, this is a struggle for us all; we are all on the verge of getting our lives together as we envision them. There is a stopwatch fated to a pause button none of us has access to; is there time for one to help others doing the same thing as he is? 

It needn’t be this complex, does it? Desire is the helping hand – because you just can’t do it all alone; time is the reality – because others are just as busy as you are. Each has its own ideology; to whom does the spotlight go? Whose ideology do you follow? 

You go at it with your deadliest hit and it still isn’t enough; what could be worse? You want to achieve your goals so bad, because you can feel just how magnificent your life will be when they are finally achieved, but all your efforts seem futile and it's all unfair. How about calling in a helping hand? Just because it's a bit out of your reach, doesn’t mean it's completely unattainable. And, it would be very unrealistic for you to even think you had the expertise to everything, wouldn’t it? This is a process, some things have to happen all at once and you can only be in control so much at a time. 

That is desire’s ideology right there! Falling short even at your deadliest hit needn’t fill your head with despairing thoughts. All the extra strength is there, all the right networks are there; you just need to pick yourself up and go connect with them and see how that works out. You are only an inch away from striking gold, and a helping hand could be your best bet. 

Still, when the helping hand comes to your aid, does it come with assurance of no ulterior motives? Sometimes people only lend a hand in order to get their fair share of the gold, or steal all of it, at the end. No, that isn’t paranoia, it's caution! And yes, two heads are better than one, but isn’t that the same reason why conflicts exist? Still, the ones without ulterior motives, those you can trust with your life goals, can you spot them from afar? Others are clean, but they just take too much credit for one’s success, that it wouldn’t have been possible without them; don’t they just spoil everything? 

Again, there is no pause button in this life, or at least none of us has access to it; would you rather miss out on your results just to go to the aid of those who are drowning so that they can live to see theirs? In such a case, it would seem inhumane to not help, but your goals are just not a sacrifice worth making. Still, so long as you don’t deliberately harm others in the process of attaining the results, what is the matter? One thing to keep in mind is that you aren’t doing anyone a favour by achieving your goals; people may celebrate your success with you, but it wasn’t for them. The world has a lot up for grabs, enough for you to get your fair share. And, it's quite important that you look back at your past solo achievements; surely there is some progress you were able to make without anyone’s help. The ‘did-it-all-by-myself’ achievements deserve the highest praise and should serve as motivation for you to innovate other ways of achieving your goals should you fall short even at your deadliest hit that made you win last time. Take a look at the world around you; is it really conducive for others to come to your aid whenever you desire so? 

That is reality’s ideology right there! There are 24 hours in a day, and not a single one of us is deprived of them, or given an excess. No goal is bigger than another; what seems trivial to you may mean the world to others, and it will be reflected in the amount of time and effort they devote to it. Even if your goals shall lead to more financially successful results, is it fair for you to expect others to put their lives on hold just to help you? 

You can’t do it all alone, and neither can you rely on a helping hand. Trust isn’t easy to build, but there come times where even the innovative part of you gets overwhelmed by all the work; the process will inevitably require some things to happen all at once, the extra strength. It will all come together, it has to; but who would you prefer take almost all of the credit for it?


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South African. Advanced Diploma in Economics. Aspring economist and journalist/author.