When you have healthy feet, then life is fun.

B12 deficiency causes neurological disorders, and by stroking the soles of your feet, you can find out if you have this problem.


British physician Lawrence Nott told in an interview that vitamin B12 deficiency is often overlooked in its early stages, and is noticed when neurological complications develop - they can be characterized by unpleasant, frightening or painful symptoms. A simple way to self-check for possible deficiency of this vitamin is to stimulate the soles of the feet - you can stroke or run an object, a stick, a handle over them. If there is a problem, the so-called Babinski reflex may occur,

Laurence Knott

Laurence Knott


General practitioner, M.D.


This reflex is expressed by the fact that when the sole of the foot is irritated, the big toe moves upward, while the other toes clench, ducking against the sole. In adults, the Babinski reflex is a sign of a disorder of the central nervous system, because normally, after stimulation of the foot, all the toes should contract. Dr. Lawrence Nott notes that the abnormal reflex may indicate a persistent and severe B12 deficiency in the body.


Other symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency. These include the following disorders.

Shortness of breath (difficulty breathing).

Dyspepsia (upset stomach).

Weight loss.

Decreased reflexes.

Ataxia (loss of muscle control).

In severe cases, some people may develop heart failure or hepatomegaly (abnormal enlargement of the liver). Psychological changes may also occur, including depression, paranoia, and delirium.


An accurate way to determine vitamin B12 deficiency. It is a blood test - levels below 150 ng/L usually indicate a deficiency.


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