Why are today's children being born with gifts such as telekinesis and psychic abilities

 Unleashing the Extraordinary: The Evolution of   Children's Telekinetic and Telepathic Abilities

In a world where technology and innovation are advancing at an unprecedented pace, it is not surprising to witness remarkable changes in the abilities of our children. We find ourselves in awe, contemplating the extraordinary powers of telekinesis and telepathy that seem to be emerging within the younger generation. This essay delves into the possible reasons behind this phenomenon, exploring the potential factors that have contributed to our children's advanced capabilities in these extraordinary areas.

 Evolutionary Leap:

Human evolution has been a gradual process, spanning millions of years. However, it is plausible to consider that our children represent a leap forward in this evolutionary journey. Just as our ancestors developed new physical and cognitive abilities over time, our children may possess an innate predisposition towards telekinesis and telepathy. Perhaps, these abilities have always existed within the human genetic code, awaiting the right circumstances to manifest.


 Heightened Awareness and Connectivity:

Modern society has witnessed a paradigm shift in the way we communicate and connect with one another. The advent of the internet and social media has transformed our world into a global village, fostering unprecedented connectivity. Our children grow up in an environment where information is readily accessible, allowing them to develop a heightened awareness of the world around them. This increased connectivity may have inadvertently stimulated their telepathic abilities, enabling them to tap into the collective consciousness and communicate beyond traditional means.

 Environmental Factors:

The environment in which our children are raised plays a crucial role in shaping their abilities. In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on mindfulness, meditation, and spiritual practices. These practices encourage individuals to tune into their inner selves, promoting a deeper understanding of their own consciousness. It is possible that the prevalence of such practices has influenced the development of telekinesis and telepathy in children, as they are exposed to these concepts from an early age.

Mind powers

Neuroplasticity and Brain Development:

The human brain possesses an astonishing capacity for adaptation and change, known as neuroplasticity. It is plausible that our children's brains have undergone unique developmental processes, allowing them to harness and control their telekinetic and telepathic abilities. This could be a result of a combination of genetic factors, environmental influences, and the brain's own adaptability. As their brains continue to evolve, it is likely that their abilities will become even more refined and powerful.

The Power of Imagination and Belief:

Children have always possessed a remarkable ability to imagine and believe in the extraordinary. It is through their vivid imaginations that they create alternate realities and explore the boundaries of what is possible. This innate sense of wonder and belief may be a catalyst for their telekinetic and telepathic abilities, enabling them to tap into hidden realms of consciousness and manipulate the physical world in ways that were once thought to be impossible.


The emergence of telekinetic and telepathic abilities in our children represents a fascinating and awe-inspiring phenomenon. While the exact reasons behind this advancement remain speculative, it is clear that a combination of evolutionary, environmental, and neurological factors contributes to their extraordinary capabilities. As we continue to unravel the mysteries of human potential, it is crucial to nurture and support our children's unique abilities, allowing them to explore and harness their full potential. The future holds exciting possibilities, as our children pave the way for a new era of human consciousness and understanding.

-Becca Bray


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