Why you can't ever throw away a banana peel

In particular, only two bananas can saturate a person with energy for an intensive three-day workout. So it is not surprising that athletes, in addition to protein, add this fruit to their diet.


The banana also contains endorphins, which make people happy. It is not only the banana's meat that can be good for you, but also the sugar. It's definitely not worth throwing away, and that's why:


1.They can be used to purify water. Banana peel is a natural filter as it absorbs lead and copper from the water. Simply place it in a container of water and leave it for a few years.2. It's great for houseplants. Rinse 2 - 3 fresh skins, place them in a jar or cistern and pour 2 litres of water. Let it stand for two days and then pull out the skins. Mix the brine with water in proportions of 1 to 1 and add the quarters.3. The glass is clean! Rinse the cucumber and puree in the blender bowl. Add a splash of water to get a soupy, paste-like consistency. Then simply wipe your table with the mixture, and then rinse everything with running water.4. Natural oils, enzymes and other elements, which are contained in banana peel, miraculously help to heal wounds, as well as to relieve inflammation after sprains, bites, cuts and sores. Simply apply the skin from the inside to the wounded area.


5. Massage the skin of the peel of a large banana into the peel, rubbing it into the skin on the soft side. This massage can be done once every few days. Natural fruit acids and life nutrients, which are contained in the sclera, will moisturize the sclera in a proper way, will live, will call.6. In addition to brightening the condition of your gums, banana gums can also whiten your teeth and soften your tooth enamel overnight because they contain such nutrients as potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese and phosphorus. Take a piece of banana peel and wipe your teeth with it. This should be done after brushing with the usual toothpaste.7. The banana schicke contains vinegar in its composition, so you can use it instead of the cream for whipping. It's great for cushioning your shoes and calling the cork.8. Bananas contain potassium in their composition, and in the banana peel its quantity is several times greater. And the cucumber is also conducive to deterioration. Just start cooking mashed banana and apple. After ingestion of such a diet the level of serotonin and dopamine in the body increases.


Just one fruit, and how much can you get from it. So don't throw away the banana peel too soon.


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