Chives Allium Schoenoprasum

Allium sconoprasum, also known as common garden chives, can be grown indoors and outdoors. Green leafy vegetables are rich in Vitamin A and C, Potassium and Calcium. They grow for the taste of their leaves, which are reminiscent of onions, but very sparse. Both the stem and the light purple flowers are used in cooking and the cut leaves are an addition to many dishes. Chives lose their flavor when cooked for too long, so it is best to include them in dishes at the last minute. To cut the stem, a pair of scissors is the best tool.


Chives can be frozen or dried. They have less flavor when dried, but are frozen, so it is best to freeze them fresh and sliced ​​or sliced. In both cases, carefully cut them, removing the yellow leaves and shoots, leaving only the plump green. It is possible to keep the chives in iodized salt, keep them for several weeks, remove the leaves, and then bottle the 'chives' for flavor.


Chives are perennial in the garden and can grow up to about 12 inches (30 cm), they are easy to grow, drought tolerant, rarely prone to diseases or pests and do not require fertilizer. Cultivation requirements for growing chives: tolerant of full sun, light shade; Grows best in well-drained, organic, fertile soil; Keep the soil moist - use mulch and water during drought. Dig and divide once every three to four years so the greens are high.


Chives can be easily grown from seed or brought home at the end of the growing season. If you are bringing greens into the house, split a bouquet and put it in the *** good houseplant soil. Leave your chiv plant outside for a month or two to provide some dormancy after the first frost. Bring them home and provide them with what they need to grow again. To cut, cut the leaves 2 inches (5 cm) from the base of the plant. Prune the flower stalks at the soil line after flowering is complete. This prevents the plant from producing seeds and keeps it more productive.


Herbs need at least five to eight hours of sunlight a day. Grow them in southern or eastern exposure to light. If you are growing them on a window sill, rotate them regularly so that there is light on all sides. They also grow well in fluorescent lighting if you can not provide that much light. Hang the lights at a height of 6 inches above the plants and turn on the lights for 14 hours every day.


In the garden, plant chives along with carrots. They are good companion plants to tomatoes and fruit trees. Control of pea or lettuce planted between rows of chives or garlic and roses has been reported to control the likelihood of Pasha aphids. In the kitchen, use chives in omelets, scrambled eggs, casseroles, rice, dips, gravy, butter, meat and seafood. Chives can be added to soft cheeses, salads, sandwiches, sour cream, vinegar and baked potatoes. Chiv flowers can be used for garnish and are especially appealing in salads. Chive stem can be used to build small vegetable bundles for appetite.


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