Five asteroids that could destroy the Earth

1. bennu


The asteroid Bennu is named after the bird from Egyptian mythology, which, like the Greek Phoenix, symbolizes resurrection. It is part of the Apollo group, which means that its orbit crosses the Earth's from the outside. It was discovered in 2013, and to date it is the most dangerous asteroid for our planet. A collision with Earth may occur on September 24, 2182, with a probability of 0.04 percent.


Much depends on whether Bennu enters the so-called gravitational well, in other words, whether its trajectory will change so much that a collision with the Earth becomes inevitable. A collision of the asteroid would amount to an explosion of 1,150 megatons in TNT equivalent. That's nearly 20 times more powerful than the Soviet Tsar Bomba, the most impressive explosive device in human history.


2.Hell's noughties. 29075 (1950 DA)


An asteroid from the Apollo group that never got a name. Discovered in 1950, it was under observation for only 17 days, after which it "dropped off the radar," and it was only possible to detect it again on December 31, 2000. Prior to the discovery of Bennu, "nonheim" was considered the most dangerous asteroid. The closest meeting of the asteroid with Earth will take place in 2032, but it will pass at a considerable distance. Scientists estimate the probability of changing the trajectory and impact "in a straight line" as small, but do not rule it out completely.


If the paths of the space destroyer and the Earth cross, humanity will face drastic climate change and the death of much of the flora and fauna. Such an outcome is possible in the distant 2880th. The probability of a collision, according to the Arecibo Observatory, published in 2013, is extremely low, but there is no hurry to discount the dangerous object.


3.Apophis. 99942 Apophis (2004 MN4).


Belongs to a group of Atons - asteroids that cross the Earth's orbit from the inner side. Discovered in 2004, it was named after the serpent-destroyer from Egyptian mythology. In March of this year, it flew past our planet at a distance of about 17 million kilometers. The next meeting will take place in the spring of 2029 and, according to scientists' calculations, it also will not threaten us. But this is only if at this time nothing happens in space.


NASA has excluded Apophis from the list of dangerous asteroids, but the Italian service NEODryS, also engaged in the study of near-Earth objects, does not hurry to cross it out of the risk list. The Europeans still label Apophis "special", which means that an unwanted encounter with the Earth is still possible. According to the latest data, the potential explosion of the asteroid is equal to 506 megatons. If it hits the sea or a large lake, such as Lake Baikal or Michigan, Apophis will inevitably provoke a tsunami that could sweep away nearby cities. Collapse in a densely populated area will cause numerous casualties, but even in the worst case scenario there is no need to speak of a global catastrophe.


4.The Cupid Group Killer. 2010 AU118.


The largest object listed in the Sentry impact prediction system is 1.9 kilometers in diameter. From now until 2112, it will approach Earth 38 times, approaching 31,000 kilometers, which is closer than man-made geostationary satellites. These approaches are potentially dangerous, although the probability of collision is low. Some proponents of the predictions believe that this asteroid was listed in Nostradamus' predictions as an object that would cause "the sky to burn."


According to the pessimistic scenario, the collision of 2010 AU118 with the Earth will cause a catastrophe on a regional, if not global, scale. Not much to like.


5. 410777 (2009 FD)


The asteroid belongs to the Apollo group. Its size is 472 meters. The last time it passed by the Earth was at the end of October 2015. The next meeting of the asteroid and our planet will take place on March 29, 2063. On this day, it will sweep at a distance of about 1.94 million kilometers. The most dangerous period for the Earth is 2185-2198. The strike is able to cause a catastrophe of regional scale or a tsunami.

Previously, the UN said that at present identified only about 40% of the significant size objects approaching the planet. So the catastrophic five is a drop in the ocean. In addition, to speak with certainty about the probability of asteroid collision with the Earth, it is necessary to consider the gravity of the Earth, the Sun, as well as other planets, not to forget about the possible passage of another space body and the Yarkovsky effect, that is, the possibility of changing the trajectory of an asteroid flight of irregular shape under the influence of sunlight.

Let's hope that everything goes well.


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