How to find a way out of a hopeless situation

There are people who are real masters of this business.


And it is not because they are catastrophically unlucky, and over time they accumulate a wealth of life experience.


It is just that in the life of weak people there is only one hopeless situation, the very first one, from which if you do not get out, you will sit in it for the rest of your life.


And in the life of strong people such situations happen at least every year.


And every time the action plan for getting out is the same: gather information, analyze, decide, go on. Yes, it's that simple.


I should say at once: only a person who unconditionally loves and infinitely trusts himself can find a way out of a hopeless situation.


With low self-esteem and inferiority complex in hopeless situations is nothing to do.


Therefore, before looking for ways out, and before you get into such situations, it would be good to do something for yourself.


Let's not elaborate: today there is a lot of special literature and abyss of different trainings, with the help of professionals in their business will raise your self-esteem to a quite acceptable level.


As for myself: the habit of loving only good people is the worst of all existing human habits. The fact is that every person must inevitably have both virtues and flaws, which are known to be the flip side of your virtues.


Do you hate yourself for being shy? So it's only because you have a deep inner world.


Complicated because of his babbling tongue? So it's - just a harmless consequence of your amazing sincerity and winning spontaneity ...


Love your shortcomings - without them you would have no advantages


If loving yourself is not a revelation to you, welcome - I invite you to the hopeless situation.


1.            Rejoice. Sincerely and from the bottom of our hearts. Because any difficulty we encounter in life is the very point of growth, after which a person becomes better: stronger, smarter, more experienced, richer, more independent, more interesting. If he does not break down, of course. But we are not going to break, are we?


2.            Let's write it down. Yes, yes, again, that eternal white sheet of paper and ballpoint pen. All that rolls around in your head - it's emotions and feelings, all that you write with his hand - the thoughts. Our job is to move the stalemate from the realm of emotion to the realm of reason.


3.            Gather information. Scrupulously, methodically, without being lazy or frightened. To get out of a dead end, you need to know every crevice.


4.            Figure it out. All possible and impossible ways out, we write down in a column on the same sheet of paper. And we don't get up from the table until we have imagined at least fifteen possibilities.


5.            Looking for helpers. Around you are sure to have people (you may not even know them yet) who will help you. Again, a categorical requirement: do not stop looking for helpers until you have at least ten people on your list.


6.            Of all the exit options, choose the most appropriate, remembering that all the others can help us as well.


7.            Make a detailed plan of action.


8.            And then we act.


And the last, most important thing.


When everything is over and the dried up shell of your hopeless situation is lying far behind you like a snake's crawl, don't forget to thank the Universe for the amazing lesson it taught you.


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About Author

I'm Maxim. Н. Universal artist striving for the best, trying to change the world as well. Peaceful skies overhead

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