Scientists found a way to predict covid mortality by PCR test

It turns out that there is a system in the human body that constantly monitors cell viability. As scientists explain in a recent article, a gene called hFwe is responsible for this in particular. It stands for Human Flower Gen. Why it is "flower" (flower), however, the researchers did not explain.

    According to his signals in our body, trained "soldiers" find weak and not adapted to repulse enemy attacks cells. And such cells are subject to destruction.

Microbiologists have long noticed that in some varieties of cancer, even apparently healthy cells around the tumor begin to secrete such special structures, which serve as signals of loss of fitness for defense.
These alarming molecules were called hFwe-Lose. Lose - to lose. Then they began to be found in patients with various inflammations or those exposed to radiation. Scientists realized that when hFwe-Lose appeared, it meant that the cells were sure to become easy victims of some pathology.
Amid the pandemic, the researchers noticed that these signaling things are detected in nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab tests, a PCR test for coronavirus. That is, the equipment "sees" them, but they are not written about them in the results, because this test is done to answer only one question: whether there are coronavirus RNA or not.
An international team of scientists from Germany, Denmark and Portugal decided to track how the amount of hFwe-Lose could be related to the severity of the covid course. For starters, they examined the lungs of 11 people who had died of the coronavirus.
    They found out exactly what they expected: these structures are abundant there, and especially in the parts of the lungs that were the epicenter of the disaster - where the most cells died.
Moreover, when comparing the abundance of hFwe-Lose, the date of diagnosis and the date of death in each case, the following trend emerged: the more of them, the faster the person died.
Next, the researchers took nasal and oropharyngeal swabs from 283 people with covid. These were people of almost all ages, from 1 to 96 years old. All had PCRs taken at the earliest stages of the disease. Later, it turned out that 177 of them ended up in the hospital within the next two weeks (with a coronavirus infection).
Twenty-one people died within 30 days. Two-thirds of all those tested had at least one co-morbidity, and 18, for example, had four diseases at once. Five had five of each. A whole bunch. Of course, the scientists found out exactly what those diseases were, and that information was taken into account, too.
What did they find? Again, quite expected: an extreme number of hFwe-Lose - in the dead, the elderly (over 60 years), a lot of these signs of cell weakness in the hospitalized, even more - in the ICU and on the ventilator, in people with blood oxygen levels below 94%. Diseases, of course, also exacerbate the situation.
Scientists have even compiled a list of the most dangerous diseases in covid:
    cardiovascular disease;
    chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Based on all this, the scientists made a prognostic model to determine the most likely course of events depending on two factors: hFwe-Lose level and age. Yes, by comparison, it should be mentioned that in a healthy person, hFwe-Lose holds at an average level of 0.001.
According to their calculations, the following comes out:
    hFwe-Lose greater than 4.41 + age over 75 = death
    hFwe-Lose greater than 2.45 at any age = hospital
    hFwe-Lose less than 2.45 + age under 15 years old = hospital
    hFwe-Lose over 1.1 + age over 44 = hospital
    hFwe-Lose less than 2.45 + age less than 44 years old = no hospitalization needed
    hFwe-Lose less than 1.1 at any age = no hospitalization needed
Scientists are convinced that this marker is an excellent aid in making the right treatment strategy for a patient and many will be saved if on the very first PCR test, doctors can see that this person is facing intensive care or death.


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